CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
First up, please note that this Friday, May 31, is the voter registration deadline for our upcoming June primary. As you know from previous emails, there are several progressive Democrats running in races with competitive primaries. If you know anyone who’s not yet registered to vote in New York, please pass along this link and encourage them to do so by Friday.
Second, note that Congress is on recess this week. As usual, Rep. Katko does not appear to have any events scheduled at which he can hear from a genuinely diverse group of constituents in a public setting. If anyone hears of such events, please pass along the details.
And now, on to the action alerts.
Monday-Tuesday (May 27-28)
No actions, as we honor our veterans on Memorial Day. Enjoy the time with friends and family.
Wednesday (May 29)
6 Candidate Canvassing Party!
City-wide canvassing party for six progressive candidates, including Misse Ross and Mary Kuhn. Candidates will have canvassing materials, lawn signs, and campaign swag. Come sign up to canvass or phone bank. 6-8:30pm at Wildflowers Armory, 225 W. Jefferson St., Syracuse 13202. More details here.
Thursday (May 30)
Syracuse Health Stories Forum
From our friends at the Campaign for NY Health: Join a community forum to hear from community advocates about why they are committed to fighting for healthcare justice and a system that puts patients before profits. At this participatory community event, attendees will learn about efforts to win universal, guaranteed healthcare and about ways to part of the movement for the right to healthcare for all. Attendees will also gain an understanding of why the fight for universal healthcare must center disability rights and racial justice. 5:30-7pm at Beauchamp Library in Syracuse. More details here.
Friday (May 31)
Reminder: Today is the last day to register to vote in the June 25 primary elections.
Rally for Good Cause Evictions!
From our friends at the CNY Working Families Party: Rally for passage of A.05030/S.02892-A, a bill to prohibit evictions without good cause and prevent raising rents unfairly. Join WFP, Citizen Action, and other partners in the Upstate/Downstate Housing Alliance to call on NYS legislators to pass this bill. 1-2pm at 333 E. Washington St., Syracuse 13202. More details here.
Save the date for these upcoming events:
Wed, Jun 5: From our friends at Citizens’ Climate Lobby: Call Rep. Katko to urge him to co-sponsor the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which he already has stated he may co-sponsor. More info here.
Thur., Jun 6: Making Sense of the Mueller Report, featuring SU Professor Tom Keck. 6-8pm at North Syracuse Public Library, 100 Trolley Barn Ln. 13212. More details here, and a hard copy flier available here.
Sun, Jun 9: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm at Bishop Harrison.
Sun, Jun 23: CNY Solidarity will not meet this weekend. We encourage folks to pitch in with one or more campaigns for Tuesday’s primary.
June 25: ELECTION DAY. Primary election for local and county offices
June 26-27: Televised 2020 Democratic Primary Debates on both evenings. Our friends at Our Revolution Cayuga will be hosting debate watch parties at the Phoenix Building in Auburn. If anyone knows of plans for watch parties in and around Syracuse, please keep us posted.
July 21: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD.
July 30-31: Televised 2020 Democratic Primary Debates on both evenings. If anyone knows of plans for watch parties, please keep us posted.
Aug 11: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD.
Sept 8: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD.
Oct 11: Voter registration deadline for 2019 general election
SAT, OCT 26, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
SUN, OCT 27, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
MON, OCT 28, 2019: 9:00AM TO 5:00PM: Early voting!
TUE, OCT 29, 2019: 12:00PM TO 8:00PM: Early voting!
WED, OCT 30, 2019: 12:00PM TO 8:00PM: Early voting!
THU, OCT 31, 2019: 7:00AM TO 3:00PM: Early voting!
FRI, NOV 1, 2019: 7:00 AM TO 3:00PM: Early voting!
SAT, NOV 2, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
SUN, NOV 3, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
Nov 5: ELECTION DAY. General election for local and county offices
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out ourWebsite andour Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
Volunteers needed:
Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact
Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact
Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible.
In solidarity,