CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Outreach Events Calendar May 5 – 12

Announcements from CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Next Meeting: Sunday May 17, 3-4 PM. Zoom link will be sent.  

Notes from our May 2 Meeting:  25 attending

A. Indivisible’s People’s Bailout Plan: National Indivisible is calling for every member of Congress to pledge not to vote for a COVID relief bill unless it is a true People’s agenda for Relief.  That means the next relief package must:

1. Keep people on payrolls: Stop mass layoffs. Ensure federal dollars go to workers and small businesses, not enriching CEOs and Wall Street.

2. Provide financial relief: Expand aid for the most vulnerable in the COVID-19 epidemic, including direct cash assistance, increased food aid, debt relief, and eviction protections.

3. Protect public health: Full coverage for all COVID-19 care , protections for all frontline workers.

4. Defend elections: Enact a vote-by-mail requirement for 2020 federal elections while maintaining access to in-person voting for those who do not have access to mail voting.

Click Here to be call your representative directly  along with a short script to help guide your call. Sign up here to make a short video of your reasons for supporting the bill. 

B. Discussion of how best to use our Stimulus checks to help. See suggestions here each week.

Articles of the week:

David Driesen on election security and postal funding.

Donald Trump’s four-step plan to reopen the US economy– and why it will be lethal – by Robert Reich

Renewable Energy is Doable and Necessary:  Our friend Chris Carrick refutes recent attacks on the viability and necessity of renewable energy sources. 

Critical Reminders: 

Complete your Census Form here:

Get your absentee ballot for June Primary here:


Fair Maps for Onondaga CountyPetition drive – starting NOW!

We are working with Common Cause to end gerrymandering in Onondaga County. This would ensure that voters have true representation and provide everyday people with the power to hold elected leaders accountable. 

Last November, we voted to establish an independent redistricting commission in Syracuse, and we’re close to getting it done in Onondaga County as well. 

We just need to show public pressure — and if we do, we could be the largest jurisdiction east of the Mississippi to end gerrymandering!

ASK 1 Sign the petition: This is not a normal petition to elected representatives– it is directed specifically at Onondaga County legislators who need to know that the people support an independent non-partisan redistricting process. Please sign at this link:

ASK 2: Petition competition 

We can use these signatures to demonstrate to the County Legislators – and the press and community at large – the breadth of support for nonpartisan redistricting. 

To encourage folks to gather signatures in the era of COVID, we’ve launched a Petition Competition! Each person who enters the competition will get a personalized link that will track how many people they recruit to sign the petition. The winner will get a prize.

Sign  up here for your personal petition link:

ASK 2: Write a Letter to the Editor. We provide talking points or write whatever you want:

Enter your zip code and the tool will automatically submit your LTE to your 5 most local newspapers

Onondaga Lake Beach Public comment period on the proposed Onondaga Lake beach has been extended to May 15th. Spread the word and speak out against a beach on Onondaga Lake!

For more information on why a beach on Onondaga Lake is a bad idea

Final Beach Feasibility Study Meeting Presentation

Share an e-mail commentwith Onondaga County Legislators: 

Share an online commentwith the Onondaga County Office of the Environment: 

NY24 Voter Education Webinar

Thu, May 5/7, 5–6pm

Join Dustin Czarny, Onondaga County Board of Election Commissioner, and Emma Spector, DCCC NY24 March Forward Field Manager, to discuss all things voting!

Syracuse DSA Socialist Feminist Meetup
Thursday May 7 at 8pm 

RSVP to receive details for joining the meeting:
Do you want to smash the patriarchy? Are you a socialist feminist looking for a space to work with like minded comrades? Do you believe that in order to win transformative social changes we must build up the leadership and political power of poor and working class women? 
What is the Socialist Feminist Working Group?? We recognize that capitalism is a barrier to women’s liberation, and patriarchy is a barrier to human liberation. We  seek to fight the oppression of cis women, trans people, and gender nonconforming people on a local and national level by focusing on economic and social issues. Lets meetup, share our experience, and decide how we can fight together for our collective rights.

Rachel May Supporter Virtual Gathering

Saturday, May 9, 2020 – 3 PM

Senator Rachel May invites supporters to join her for Connection, Conversation, and a bit of Campaigning! We can talk about the state’s response to coronavirus, keeping our democracy safe in uncertain times, and whatever is on your mind. Campaign donations welcome but not necessary. Email to RSVP and we will send you the link before the event.

50th Anniversary Earth Day Film Festival
Friday, April 24 – Friday, May 8

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, April 22 Climate Change Awareness & Action, CCAA is offering three documentary films on climate change for free streaming to the community while we are all “sheltering in place” to fight the coronavirus. 
Information on the films; trailers and how to stream

HOW TO HELP: Volunteer or Donate

In collaboration with the Workers Center of Central New York, the Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network is sponsoring a FACE MASK DRIVE to provide farm workers in the Central New York region with washable cloth face masks.  We need at least 250 masks.   Please contact Annegret at 315-243-1696 to arrange a mask drop-off.  Instructions attached.

CDC face mask instructions

New York Times Face Mask Instructions

Upstate Medical Center mask pattern

We are distributing food, masks, and hand sanitizer to CNY farmworkers!  If you would like to help with deliveries, contact

To fund these efforts, we have a GoFundMe site.  Please consider donating generously!

Tell Your Coronavirus Story to Help Win Guaranteed Healthcare
Coronavirus is laying bare the deep inequities of the current healthcare system: working class people around the state struggle to access testing and Black, Indigenous and communities of color face higher rates of death. Millions have lost their jobs and insurance, just when many of us will need it most. It has never been more apparent that a healthcare system that ties insurance to employment is unjust and unsustainable.
How have you been impacted by this crisis? What are your healthcare struggles? Our stories are our most powerful tools to make change.  The Campaign for New York Health invites New Yorkers to share their healthcare stories to help win the right to healthcare in New York

Tell lawmakers that a universal, publicly-financed healthcare system that provides comprehensive coverage and care for every resident and worker in New York, as proposed by the NY Health Act, must be central to the recovery effort in New York State:

 Using your stimulus check for good: Some of us are in theprivileged position of being able to put our stimulus checks to work in other ways. Suggestions:  


Boys & Girls Clubs of Syracuse’s fundraiser

We are asking YOU to donate $5 on 5/5 for Giving Tuesday. We are asking for you to donate $5 to the Clubs and challenge at least 5 of your friends to do the same! These funds will allow us to be prepared and ready once we have our clubs open!

Friends of Dorothy is our initiative to be supportive of people with AIDS. Since October of 1992 we have offered home-based care to people with AIDS in a variety of ways, including recuperative or hospice care, supportive housing and emergency assistance. 


Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN): fund to

support undocumented workers and families who can’t receive government aid (Food Stamps, Unemployment,  Medicaid, pending cash payments, etc.) during the COVID-19 health crisis It will assist people paying rent, buying food, accessing transportation, and meet other basic needs.  Our government leaves out these hard working people who put the food on our tables, clean our houses, care for our children and elders and many other low wage, labor intensive jobs. This is an unprecedented time for all of us, and we can only get through it together. DONATE HERE

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network

From Syracuse National Action Network: Many Syracuse City students are in need of computersto complete their work. NAN has at least 45 requests for assistance in obtaining devices for high school and middle school students. Some have immediate needs and some are students with disabilities.TO DATE we have distributed 8 devices to students, we have raised $3450 in donations and received 2 more donated devices. Now we need your support, computers are in HIGH demand and the price point has risen substantially. If you have a laptop to donate, or if you would like to contribute towards one for a student, please respond to Twiggy Billue at 

Please make all donations via Cashapp $syracusenan or via mail to: National Action Network, 159 South Ave. 13204

Other Local Needs:

·       Help CNY Hospitals & Hospitality  DonateHereto local restaurants to provide free meals for workers at hospitals, grocery stores and other essential businesses.

·      United Way Volunteer Signup dozens of agencies

·       Food Bank of CNY Donateor Volunteer

·       CNY Community Foundation Community Support Fundto support nonprofits working with communities  impacted by economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. 

·       The Red Crossis in urgent need of blood donors and people to help with emergencyresponse.

·       Rise Above the Streets: support for people without housing.  PayPal:  Cashapp: $Alamin44 #IfWeEatTheyEat  See this article.


OxFamhttps://www.oxfamamerica.orgIn this unprecedented time, communities around the world are struggling to cope. Now, more than ever, your monthly gift can help us respond to the needs of those who are most vulnerable during this global pandemic while keeping our ongoing lifesaving projects on track.

Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Bordershttps://www.msf.orgDoctors Without Borders is expanding our global response to the coronavirus pandemic. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff – most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.

POLITICAL DONATIONS:  Two  suggestions for maximum impact:

Ready to Flip the Senate this Year? Indivisible’s Payback Project is out to do just that! check out Indivisible’s coordinated nationwide effort focused on eleven of the worst, and most vulnerable, Trump enablers in the Senate. This would be a great place to put your stimulus check to work! 

Dana Balter for Congress: We need a progressive voice representing us in Congress, instead of someone who endorses Donald Trump for President!

I’m standing up to fight for the things our communities need so that everyone can share in prosperity and security. I will work to guarantee quality, affordable healthcare for every person; build a fair economy that works for everyone; and get big money out of politics so the power rests with average people not special interests. If you give me the honor of serving you in Congress, I will carry the voices of our community to Washington DC and ensure that no one is left behind.


SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN) has a “warm line” to provide Coronavirus-related information and resources to farmworker, immigrant,  undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. We will do our best to help you find the information you need. English and Spanish-speaking operators. 

Text and phone call communication welcome.

SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, highlighting resources of use to immigrants and undocumented folks in NY and their allies. **Whenever possible, we included both English and Spanish versions of resources. When the resource is only available in one language, you can use these instructions to have Google translate the page.**

Future Events: Save the date

Why Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to the Climate Crisis
May 13, 2020, 07:00 PM Eastern Time. Sierra Club New York City Group Zoom presentation
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 300 935 One tap mobile +16468769923, 756300935# US (New York)

DSA Organizing School: Class 1

Thursday, May 14 and May 28, 8 PM

Join us for a three-part training series (it’s okay to miss one if you need to!) starting Thursday April 30th and  every other Thursday through May. The training series will cover political analysis and organizing skills to build on the working-class movement that fueled Bernie Sanders historic run for the presidency and will be especially useful for Bernie supporters who want to get more integrated into DSA. Democratic Socialists of America

World Beyond War. War Abolition 201: Building the Alternative Global Security System 

April 13 to May 24, 2020 In response to the heightening economic impact of the pandemic, we are offering our upcoming War Abolition 201 online course on a sliding scale, starting at $25 USD. War Abolition 201 brings together activists, advocates, and changemakers to engage in learning specific to establishing a just and sustainable peace. The course is not live – so you can study at your own pace for maximum flexibility. Register now. To register by check, 1. Contact World BEYOND War to let us know! and 2. Make the check out to World BEYOND War/AFGJ and send it to World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville VA 22902 USA. To registerclick here.

Multiple DatesJacobin Magazine: New political education series, Stay at Home

Our new political education series, Stay at Home, 6 PM EST on our YouTube channel.

Socialist politics is built on mass rallies, strikes, and door knocking. But since we’re all practicing physical distancing, we decided to launch a video-based political education series this month.

A few times a week Jacobin will host a left-wing thinker on our YouTube channel to explain an idea for around 20 minutes. Then we’ll take questions from our virtual audience for a brief Q&A.


If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397

Assistance connecting with health and human services: call 211 or

Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page

COVID-19 Testing Hotline:

Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page

NYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page

Johns Hopkins – Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) webpage.

New York Attorney General Coronavirus Resources and Warnings

FCC Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips

FTC Coronavirus Scam Information

NYS Free Mental Health Hotline: 1-844-863-9314

Onondaga County Meals Help Line for Onondaga County: 315-218-1987

Madison County Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 315-366-2327

Oneida County Mental Health Hotline: 1-800-678-0888

Oneida County COVID-019 Hotline: 315-798-5431

Oneida County Family and Community Services Helpline: 315-798-5439 
Peter McCarthy

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