From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Next Meeting: Sunday 7/18/21, 3-4;30 PM In person At Bishop Harrison Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave., 13210
Agenda: Special Presentation on the Rt 81 Project: Updates and Opportunities.
Upcoming Meetings: NOTE We have updated the schedule to accommodate holidays, Westcott Fair, etc.: 7/18/21, 8/15/21, 9/12/21, 10/3/21, 10/17/21, 10/31/21, 11/14/21.
Committees will meet on their own for July and August.
Announcements from our Committees:
To sign up for the mailing lists of each of the committees, email your request to the contact person listed.
Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:
Climate Justice: Contact: Kitty Burns –
SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –
Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council.Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;
CNY Solidarity Coalition supports passage of the Less is More Act and recently signed on as an endorser.
Developed by people on parole, people who are incarcerated, family members, and community groups, the #LessIsMoreNY Act will advance decarceration and public safety in New York, benefiting families and communities, as well as saving millions of dollars.
The Less Is More: Community Supervision Revocation Reform Act (S1144A/A5576A) passed the New York State Senate and Assembly on the last day of the legislative session. Now Governor Andrew Cuomo needs to sign. We need you to contact Governor Cuomo to ensure that he signs #LessIsMoreNY into law immediately.
More than 5,000 people are incarcerated in the state’s jails and prisons for noncriminal technical violations of parole—like missing curfew or an appointment with a parole officer. New York locks up more people for these technical violations than any other state does. The racial disparities are stark: in state prisons, Black people are incarcerated at the rate that white people are for violating parole conditions.
Please help this legislation go further by signing the petition, contacting your representatives and learning more or volunteering at
Sign the petition: Sign On – #Less Is More NY
Contact your representatives: Contact Your Lawmaker – #Less Is More NY
Like and follow UnchainedNOW on fb for updates!
Sign Up for I-81 Action Alerts from Urban Jobs Task Force
Part-time Paid Bookkeeper Wanted for Syracuse Peace Council
SPC is the oldest local, autonomous, grassroots peace and social justice organization in the United States. We’re looking for a part-time bookkeeper!
- Approximately 20 hours a month, Begins August 1st (possibly a few weeks earlier). $15.85/hour.
- Previous bookkeeping experience with QuickBooks is preferred. (We will consider hiring a strong candidate who has exposure to bookkeeping or to QuickBooks, but who might need further experience with double-entry accounting, as a trainee).
We seek a responsible, organized, detail-oriented person who will feel comfortable working with staff and volunteers but who can also work independently to get the monthly and quarterly tasks done in a timely fashion.
Email a statement of your interest and experience to: with Bookkeeper in the subject line.
Comment To Oppose National Grid Rate Hike And Climate Destruction
National Grid wants to raise their prices on electricity and gas by almost $100 per year for the average customer. During any given time an increase in the cost of gas and electricity is controversial as thousands of customers are already behind on these bills. However we aren’t just in any given time, COVID-19 has left many people in this community without jobs. National Grid’s CEO John Pettigrew makes $6,848,349 a year (that’s more than $3,000 per hour!), while the luckiest of us struggle to afford working or learning from home.
Climate Change is a real threat, and everyday we are working against the clock to fight it. Allowing a rate increase means more money going into a system that is killing our planet and ourselves. Last year NY state passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The CLCPA says that we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 85% before 2050. The gas rate hike proposed by National Grid would fund $41.8 million in new gas delivery infrastructure, in just one year alone, continuing to harm us instead of helping us.
User the form HERE to tell the Public Service Commission what you think about National Grid’s proposed rate hikes and gas investments. We encourage you to use your own words, but to help you craft your comment, we have created this handy TALKING POINTS DOCUMENT.
Articles of the Week:
There Are No Mass Migrations Without U.S. Meddling and Militarism
Read the Article in In These Times
Despite its pledges to aid Central America, the Biden administration continues to deny the United States’ role in destabilizing the region.
How the rich avoid paying taxes
Capital gains taxes, explained: (An excellent 6 Minute video on Vox.)
In the US, most people make their money from a regular job; they get a paycheck and pay income taxes. But the richest Americans, the top 1 percent, make most of their money from things like investments in real estate or the stock market. Those investments are taxed as capital gains. While federal income tax has a maximum tax rate of 37 percent, the tax rate for capital gains tops out at just 20 percent.
The Biggest Threat to Democracy Is the GOP Stealing the Next Election
Read the Article on The Atlantic
Unless and until the Republican Party recommits itself to playing by democratic rules of the game, American democracy will remain at risk.
The greatest threat to American democracy today is not a repeat of January 6, but the possibility of a stolen presidential election. Contemporary democracies that die meet their end at the ballot box, through measures that are nominally constitutional. The looming danger is not that the mob will return; it’s that mainstream Republicans will “legally” overturn an election.
Climate activist gets eight-year sentence while Capitol rioters, Big Oil execs go free
Activists express outrage after Jessica Reznicek hit with harsh sentence for damaging pipeline equipment
“Environmentalists and other observers, however, questioned the sanity of a system that prosecutes as terrorists people seeking to protect the planet against the existential threat of a climate emergency caused largely by fossil fuel use, while protecting and rewarding perpetrators of what a growing number of international jurists call the crime of ecocide”
Why is the world so beautiful? An Indigenous botanist on the spirit of life in everything
Need a good shot of hope? Listen to this conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, the author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants. She is a member of the Potawatomi First Nation and she teaches at the State University of New York in Syracuse. (Dale Kakkak)
The unchecked power of police unions Read the Article in Salon
Experts believe protections in police union contracts give too many officers the sense they can abuse their power
CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute!
July 14, Registration Deadline
Want to build power, organize protests, and change laws? Join us for CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute! Over the course of six weeks, we’ll be digging into organizing, legislative advocacy, action planning and digital strategy – and that’s just the start!
The Institute will begin Saturday, July 24th and then run weekly on Tuesday evenings from July 27th to September 7th on Zoom Apply now for the Summer Organizing Institute!
CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute is an opportunity to learn more, deepen your skills, and fight for a world without cages. While we are prioritizing people and families who have been directly impacted by mass incarceration, all are welcome to apply. Apply here by July 14th or use this link:
The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) is a leader in the field of community-based alternatives to incarceration. Our mission is to promote reintegrative justice and a reduced reliance on incarceration through advocacy, services and public policy development in pursuit of civil and human rights.
Syracuse DSA General Meeting
July 15, 2021 – 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
ArtRage Gallery – 505 Hawley Ave. Syracuse, NY
It’s been a long time since the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) chapter has met in person indoors! The July general meeting will be in-person/remote hybrid and you are invited. Collective liberation requires practicing democracy in our organizations and movements along the way. So come practice democracy together with other members!
Agenda items: –the future of DSA/debating resolutions for 2021 DSA Convention, -lessons from electoral campaigns this year, -singalong with musical accompaniment by Ursula
For the zoom link and other details visit visit the Syracuse DSA page on Facebook.
Witness to Injustice
THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2021 AT 7 PM EDT – 9:30 PM EDT
Event by Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation and Skä•noñh – Great Law of Peace Center
Witness to Injustice is a unique interactive presentation and teaching tool that helps participants deepen their understanding about the European colonization of Turtle Island and the denial of Indigenous peoples’ nationhood throughout U.S. history up to the present time. Using participatory education to explore the shared history that non-Native people rarely learn in school or other settings, Witness to Injustice aims to foster truth, understanding, and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the part of the world now known as the United States; with a focus on the territory stewarded by the people of the Onondaga Nation and other Haundenosaunee peoples. We hope this program will stimulate deep discussion and reflection, and will point the way toward ongoing steps to righting the wrongs which have persisted for five centuries.
Join Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) and Haudenosaunee facilitators as we participate in learning and dialogue through this presentation. Please register below to receive a Zoom link for this webinar. Registration is limited to 40 people. Your fee will be used to support our Native Knowledge Keepers, the work of NOON, and educational programming at the Skӓ•noñh-Great Law of Peace Center.
COST: $15/Person
Stand With Officer Hanks
Friday, July 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Meet at OnCenter Parking Lot, 800 S. State ST., Syracuse NY 13202
Facebook Event Here
Join us for a peaceful walk down State St. to show the Syracuse Police Department that Officer Brandon Hanks is not alone and that we all stand with him!
Please wear your Stand With Officer Hanks shirt, or a black shirt for representation!
July FOCUS Forum on Child Care in Onondaga CountyJuly 16 f at noonFeaturing Laurie Black, Director of the Early Childhood Alliance (ECA); Sarah Merrick, Commissioner of the Onondaga County Department of Social Services – Economic Security; and Lori Schakow, Executive Director of Child Care Solutions, Inc.Learn about issues facing child care in Onondaga County. REGISTER HERE For more about the Forums and FOCUS go to |
Justice Works: A Conference for Progressive New York
July 17 and 18
Updated information and registration here.
Hundreds of organizers, activists, leaders. Fighting for Justice. Teaching & learning. Building a movement.
SKILLS TRAININGS: Learn about time-tested and cutting edge organizing tools and strategies to build a grassroots base of power for justice.
COMMUNITY OF SUPPORT: More than 500 activists, organizers and leaders from across New York State will be at Justice Works.
GET INSPIRED: World-renowned speakers will give you new perspective and ideas to take back to your community and change the world.
BUILDING OUR MOVEMENT: Over 100 organizations are represented, connecting to build common purpose and strategy.
SESSION 1: WINNING WITH THE BIGGER WE Interactive workshops on topics like housing & climate justice, civil rights & democracy.
SESSION 2: BUILDING THE BIGGER WE More interactive workshops on everything from basebuilding to leader development; voter registration to coalition work; & building grassroots power through local election.
SESSION 3: THE STORY OF THE BIGGER WE How we come together, how we’re all connected, & how we all talk to each other.
Career Expo – Open House
SATURDAY July 17AT 11 AM EDT – 2 PM EDT401 South Ave, Syracuse, NY 13204-4141, United States
Event by Syracuse Community Connections
401 South Ave, Syracuse, NY 13204-4141, United States
Syracuse Community Connections presents our 2021 Hiring Event. Professional Dress is expected. Live Interviews, Refreshments and More!
Are you looking for a Full-Time or Part-Time job in the Syracuse, New York area? If you are, then you need to register and attend this event. There are immediate openings specifically in the following programs: Family Planning Services, Youth & Family Programs, Facilities and the SNUG Program! Syracuse Community Connections, is a nonprofit organization located on the Southwest side of Syracuse. SCC plays a significant role in human service provision and community impact. Our services range from youth to senior programs, we are looking for candidates interested in advancing their careers and making a difference in the Syracuse Community! If you’re in the market for a new job or advancing your current career, you don’t want to miss this opportunity! Sign-Up today and bring a copies of your updated Resume and Cover Letter. We look forward to meeting you!
Community Union Organizing BBQ
Clark Reservation State Park
Community Union Organizing BBQ
10 people responded
Event by Syracuse DSA
Duration: 3 hr
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
Want to learn more about your rights at work? Having issues on the job and don’t know where to turn to? Want to learn more about how you and your coworkers can make change at work?
Join Syracuse DSA Labor Committee’s Community Union Organizing BBQ on Sunday, July 18, 2021 from 3pm to 6pm at Clark Reservation Park Small Pavilion (by Glacier Lake). There will be yummy food and good conversation!
The purpose of the BBQ is to provide a space for people to discuss workplace issues and come up with ideas to support organizing and strategies for solving those issues as a community.
Syracuse DSA Labor Committee Mission statement
The Syracuse DSA Labor Committee’s mission is to empower workers to connect with other individuals, working or unemployed, to make our workplaces and government more democratic. Workers should feel a sense of shared community, be comfortable voicing their opinions, and leaders should address workers’ concerns properly. We strive to empower workers to build collective power through solidarity to guarantee everyone is respected and treated with dignity.
How can we make DSA Anti-racist and Multiracial?
How can we make DSA Anti-racist and Multiracial?
Event by Democratic Socialists of America
A conversation connecting issues faced by people of color during DSA’s origins and today, between the authors of “A people of color’s history of DSA” (2019), Alyssa de la Rosa and David Roddy of Sacramento DSA, and authors of two convention resolutions, #27 (Beyond 100K) and #31 (Making DSA a Multiracial and Anti-racist Organization). De La Rosa and Roddy conducted archival research and talked with founders of the people of color caucuses in the original DSA/NAM, including Manning Marable. They will present a short summary of their findings, followed by a moderated conversation with authors of resolutions #27 and #31. All DSA members welcome–for DSA to become a self-consciously multiracial and anti-racist organization, we need everyone’s efforts.
RSVP Here:…/How_can_we_make_DSA_anti..
Coming Soon: Dates TBD: I-81 DEIS Hearings
UJTF/NYCLU Press Conference July 31 at Noon; Location TBA
(Sign up for alerts from UJTF here: DEIS action alert sign-up form)
The Urban Jobs Task Force (UJTF) began a campaign for Racial and Economic Justice through local jobs on I-81 in 2017. For years, UJTF and the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) have been getting prepared to turn out the community for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) public comment period. The time for announcement of this comment period is upon us and could happen any day now.
50th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2021 AT 10 AM EDT – 6 PM EDT
Columbus Circle (Syracuse, New York)
50th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival
Event by Downtown Syracuse and AmeriCU Credit Union
The spectacular three-day showcase of the country’s most talented artists, craftspeople and entertainers is centered in Downtown Syracuse. The festival provides opportunities for visitors to experience the vibrancy of Downtown Syracuse through a presentation of visual and performing arts that demonstrate diverse art forms and cultures. The Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival is one of the premier events of ArtsWeek, a partnership among several community organizations committed to showcasing and celebrating the arts in our community.
The festival typically features more than 120 artists and crafters representing many States across the U.S.. In past years, the event attracts more than 50,000 visitors to shop and browse the art and crafts exhibits, and enjoy a variety of music, multicultural performances, summer refreshments and participatory activities.
Flip the Leg with Pam Hunter, Bill Magnarelli and Al Stirpe!
Beer Belly Deli & Pub 510 Westcott St, Syracuse, NY
Flip the Leg with Pam Hunter, Bill Magnarelli and Al Stirpe!
Event by Flip the County Legislature
Join Onondaga County’s Assembly Delegation in a special event with a purpose: Put the Democrats in the Majority in the Onondaga County Legislature!
Live music by: Colin Aberdeen, William Nicholson, and Joe Driscoll
Onondaga County Democratic Committee Ticket: $50
Sponsor: $250
Westcott St. Cultural Festival
Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021
EXPOSE KILLER DRONE TERROR: join our decade-long protests against the piloting of reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands…across from the main gate of Hancock AFB, 6000 East Molloy Rd (east of Mattydale)…4:15 to 5 p.m. every Tuesdayfrom April 6 thru the end of October.
STAND WITH PALESTINE expose IDF terrorism, Occupation and apartheid in Gaza and West Bank…intersection of Erie Blvd E and E Genesee in De Witt…4:15 to 5 p.m every Friday
BRING YOUR OWN PEACE AND JUSTICE SIGN*…opposite the Regional Market main entrance On Park ST.. every Saturday 9 to 9:45 a.m. beginning April 3 *or use one of ours. (Ann or Ed 315 478-4571 home)
*Social distancing***Legal***No meetings, no obligation, no cost***Easy parking***Rain or shine*
CNY Solidarity Coalition: Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
Peter McCarthy