CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – April 5 to April 12, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Upcoming Meetings: 4/10/22, 4/24/22, 5/15/22, 6/12/22, 6/26/22, 7/10/22, 8/21/22.

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists.

Next CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting, Meeting, Sunday April 10, 3 PM 

Indivisible Onondaga County will present an overview of the new NY22 congressional district (mapping, implications, legal challenges) and the candidates. Q/A and discussion will follow. As of now, the meeting is scheduled for in-person at the Bishop Harrison Center at All Saints

As people sign in, they will certify that they are fully vaccinated and will observe masking and distancing.


Toxic Nostalgia, From Putin to Trump to the Trucker Convoys 

by Naomi Klein

War is reshaping our world. Will we harness that urgency for climate action or succumb to a final, deadly oil and gas boom? Read it on The Intercept 

“All these nostalgia-based movements and figures share a longing for something else, something which may seem unrelated but is not. A nostalgia for a time when fossil fuels could be extracted from the earth without uneasy thoughts of mass extinction, or children demanding their right to a future, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, like the one just released yesterday, that reads…like an “atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership.” “

Dire warning on climate change ‘is being ignored’ amid war and economic turmoil

The third segment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is being overshadowed, just like the previous one. Read it in The Guardian

How to make Syracuse cooler: Plant more trees (Guest Opinion by Lemir Teron)

Read it on’

Ban natural gas heating in NY for cleaner, cheaper, greener buildings (Guest Opinion)

Read it on’


From the Syracuse Peace CouncilWhat can we do about Ukraine?

Contact your members of Congress 

Contact your members of Congress by phone, email or in person.  Peace Action has a useful position paper on Ukraineto help with your preparation. If you prefer to tweak an already written letter urging diplomacy that will go to your members of Congress a quick click, use this link. The position paper urges:

  • Support continued funding for Ukraine and Ukrainians including humanitarian aid and refugee assistance and resettlement. Support debt cancellation for Ukraine to strengthen the country.
  • Support direct U.S. diplomacy to end the war including being willing to ratchet down U.S. sanctions on Russia in exchange for Russia ending the war and all troops leaving Ukraine.
  • Oppose escalatory steps that could spread the danger like no-fly zones, U.S. troops getting involved or escalator changes to nuclear posture and policy.
  • Block military contractors and the Pentagon from using the crisis to grow the bloated military budget.
  • Oppose open-ended sanctions that cause widespread humanitarian damage to Russian civilians.
  • Magnify the voices of Ukrainians and Russians who are engaging in non-violent civilian resistanceagainst this war.
  • Lift refugee caps to make more generous room for refugees from Ukraine. This must be done in an equitable way that includes equally refugees from Afghanistan, Syria etc.
  • Encourage representatives to cosponsor H. Res. 877 – the Foreign Policy for 21st Century Act.

Contribute to humanitarian aid organizations

See the list from SPC’s  3-15-22 E-newsletter on Ukraine


Truth Tellers Documentary Film Screening and Q&A with artist, Robert Shetterly.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 7pm at ArtRage, 505 Hawley Avenue, Syracuse, New York

Masks required. WATCH THE TRAILER!
Suggested Donation: Sliding Scale $5 to $10 at the door – to benefit Kane Lewis Productions and ArtRage Gallery.

We’re delighted to welcome back artist and activist, Robert Shetterly to ArtRage. Shetterly has held two solo exhibitions at ArtRage and has been a guest speaker on several occasions. During this visit we will screen the new documentary film, Truth Tellers, which is both a story of Shetterly’s art and activism and a history lesson in what it means to be a citizen of a democracy, and have the opportunity to talk with Shetterly himself. 

 Ukraine: Prospects for Peace and Preventing Escalation

Tuesday, April 5 at 8-9pm, 

Sponsored by CodePink and Massachusetts Peace Action. Register here. Phyllis Bennis and Joseph Gerson will discuss options for peace that include neutrality for Ukraine, humanitarian aid for refugees, an international security agreement, status of the secessionist regions in the Donbas, Russian reparations for Ukraine and an off-ramp for lifting sanctions on Russia. Phyllis is an activist and Institute for Policy Studies analyst Bennis, and Joseph is president of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security.

FROM WHERE WE STAND: Photographs from The Stand’s Annual South Side Photo Walk 
Gallery Talk – 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 7pm
ArtRage, 505 Hawley Avenue, Syracuse, New York

In connection with our current exhibition, FROM WHERE WE STAND, join Ashley Kang, the Director of The Stand newspaper, Bob Gates, one of the South Side Photo Walk Leaders, and Solon Quinn, participant in the annual Photo Walk, for a discussion about the 12 year history of this innovative community building photography project.

Syracuse City Redistricting Commission Public Meeting

April 7 at Henninger High School. 7 PM and see additional sessions below

For the first time, an independent non-partisan citizen commission is responsible for redrawing the boundary lines for Syracuse’s five Common Council districts.  These meetings are opportunities for residents to provide input and information on their desires regarding these boundaries for the commission to consider.  This is a first in New York where private citizens will reshape their boundaries allowing voters to choose their representatives and not the other way around.  

Please consider attending one of these hearings.  Dustin Czarny’s  website has  a 6 part series diving into the city of Syracuse population and registration data.  These #wonkywednesday articles you may find helpful in understanding the current state of the City of Syracuse and its five districts. 

Also FairmapsCNY will be going to these hearings and livestreaming them on their facebook page and later rebroadcasting them on their twitter. Here are the links:


Syracuse Redistricting Commission:

Future public sessions

·       April 24 at Corcoran High School. 4 PM

·       April 28 at Nottingham High School. 4 PM

And for an in-depth overview, see Dustin Czarny’s video:

Moral March on Wall Street and Mass Meeting 

New York State Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival & Campaign

Monday, April 11, 4:30 pm gather, 5 pm march, 6 pm program

 Co-Chairs: Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Gather at Battery Park (4:30 pm)

Program at Trinity Wall Street (6 pm): 89 Broadway: New York, NY 10006

Directly impacted people, faith leaders, and artists will come together to demand this nation do MORE to live up to its possibilities:  

  • MORE to fully address the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care, militarism and the war economy, and the false moral narrative of religious nationalism. 
  • MORE to change the narrative and build the power of those most impacted by these injustices. 
  • MORE to realize a 3rd Reconstruction agenda that can build this country from the bottom up and realize the nation we have yet to be. 

The event will be livestreamed on the Poor People’s Campaign FB page and at

Register to join us in NYC on April 11th!!!

Heat Pumps 101: Cleaner, Greener Heating and Cooling

April 11, 2022 @ 7:00 pm-8:00 pm EDT 

Register Here

Heat Smart CNY is hosting an online community workshop. Learn how to make your home more energy efficient and install renewable heating and cooling technologies like air and ground source heat pumps.

You can help save the planet while making your home safer and more comfortable! We’ll talk about how heat pumps work and the importance of insulation and air sealing, share local Central New York examples, and discuss the current programs available to help you afford these upgrades for your home or building.

The presentation by Dick Kornbluth will be followed by a Q&A with expert installers. Bring questions!


 Upstate Health Equity Virtual Forum on Wednesday April 13 

Wednesday, April 13, 6-7PM
Zoom RSVP here

Join Campaign for New York Health and state legislators hear about the systemic changes that are needed to make healthcare a right in our state and to learn how you can help win healthcare for all this year. 

Co-sponsored by Campaign for New York Health, NYS Poor People’s Campaign, New York State Nurses Association, Coalition for Economic Justice, Melinated Moms, Syracuse United Neighbors, ARISE

Film Screening: No War: The Boys Who Said No!

Thursday, April 14, 2022 At 7 Pm – 9 Pm

ArtRage Gallery

Film Screening: No War: The Boys Who Said No!

Event by Syracuse Peace Council

ArtRage Gallery

Join us for a showing of the The Boys Who Said No!, a highly awarded 2020 documentary profiling the young men and women who actively opposed the military draft in order to end the Vietnam War. Following the film, Andy Mager and Dik Cool will facilitate a discussion about the timeliness of the film and share their experiences of saying, “No” to war (Dik to being drafted during the Vietnam War, and Andy to draft registration). 

The event is free (although donations are welcome) and refreshments will be available. Masks are recommended, but not required; please maintain social distance when eating or drinking.

The film shows how their personal and collective acts of nonviolent resistance, risking arrest and imprisonment for up to 5 years, were a critical part of the antiwar movement, intensifying opposition to the war and eventually forcing an end to both conscription and the war. It also explores the influence of Gandhian nonviolence and the impact of the civil rights movement on Resistance members, a connection illustrated in footage of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. visiting and supporting Joan Baez and others jailed for blocking the Oakland Induction Center in 1967.

The event is sponsored by Beyond War and Militarism, a joint committee of the Syracuse Peace Council and CNY Solidarity Coalition.

Electronics Recycling Events –  Free – Starting April 23:

EarthFest 2022 – Drive Electric Earth Day 

SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022 AT 10 AM – 2 PM

Fayetteville Free Library

EarthFest 2022 – Drive Electric Earth Day

Event by Sustainable Manlius

Rain Date May 7, 2022 10-2 p.m.

Come and explore the world in a new way! Visit the Drive Electric Earth Day “EV Row” where you can see a variety of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Connect with local organizations who offer great educational resources and volunteer opportunities to help make our community a more sustainable and eco-driven community. Connect with local business owners and learn how their business is striving to help our community reach our sustainability goals. 

Climate Change as Class War – Book Launch with Matt Huber

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 AT 7 PM

Climate Change as Class War – Book Launch with Matt Huber

Event by Syracuse DSA

ArtRage Gallery

Join our hybrid, in-person & online, book launch event with author (and DSA member), Matt Huber.

“Huber has written a ‘What Is To Be Done?’ for all of us who are vexed by the failure of progressive climate activism to produce a blueprint for a national action with clear strategic goals. In a blazing critique, he skewers ‘radical’ as well as liberal environmentalists who advocate market solutions to a crisis whose very cause is the cost-and-profit logic of energy markets. Equally he shows that the electoral road to a Green New Deal is a dead-end without a massive public struggle, integrally involving labor, for public ownership of the power industry. The shelves groan with books on the coming apocalypse , but here, at long last, is a concrete strategy for socialists.”

– Mike Davis

The climate crisis is not primarily a problem of ‘believing science’ or individual ‘carbon footprints’—it is a class problem rooted in who owns, controls and profits from material production. As such, it will take a class struggle to solve.

In this groundbreaking class analysis, Matthew T. Huber argues that the carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted for producing climate change. Yet, the narrow and unpopular roots of climate politics in the professional class is not capable of building a movement to face this challenge. For an alternative strategy, he proposes climate politics that will appeal to the vast majority of society: the working-class. Huber evaluates the Green New Deal as a first attempt to channel working class material and ecological interests and advocates building union power in the very energy system we so need to dramatically transform. In the end, as in classical socialist movements of the early twentieth Century, winning the climate struggle will require an internationalist approach based on a form of planetary working class solidarity.…/3973-climate-change-as…

Free Shredding Event – Confidential Documents Only
Saturday, May 14 9 a.m. to Noon; Orange Parking Lot of the NYS Fairgrounds. Registration

Legs Against Lyme Awareness Walk

Saturday, May 21, 2022, 11 AM  at Onondaga Lake Park! This is a 3K (1.8 mile) walk.

The Central New York Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance 

Join our team of providers, scientists and community members at the Willow Bay Area as we march against ticks and the diseases they carry. You will walk alongside some of the leading local (and national) experts in disease advocacy and research. We are just that lucky to have them on our team, right here in Central New York! Your registration fee covers the cost of your t-shirt and refreshments. 

Busy, But Want To Do Your Part To Help End War And Oppression? Join A Bunch Of Us For 45 Minutes On Any Tuesday, Friday Or Saturday

TUESDAYS TWICE A MONTH : as of April 5 we’ll be stepping up our HANCOCK demos  from the first Tuesday to both the first & third Tuesday — same time  (4 to 4:45 p.m) and as it has been for over a decade, is on ending killer drones.EVERY SATURDAY: as of April 2 we are resuming our “fair weather” street heat across from the Regional Market, from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Every Saturday morning. same time and place as in  previous years. While most of our signs focus on killer drones, we also will bringwider selection (anti-war, anti-nuclear, etc,).EVERY FRIDAY: we are continuing our every Friday street heat in De Witt at the broad intersection of Erie Blvd east and East Genesee from 4 to 4:45 pm.  For years out focus has been solidarity withPalestine; While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine persists our signs will also address  that crisis.To learn more contact Ann or Ed, 315 478 4571.###

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition makes regular contributions to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address at the end of the newsletter.

Peter McCarthy

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