CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Action Newsletter: June 25 – July 2, 2024

Community Newsletter & Events

June 25, 2024 – July 2, 2024

From CNY Solidarity

We had a great meeting Sunday. We discussed the importance of today’s primary and how we are committed to defeating Unrepresentative Williams in November. Indivisible Onondaga County is working on planning a future postcard party and is participating in the July 9th unity event. 


Make sure to join Citizen Action and other New York Renews partners and allies to review what happened to climate policy during the 2024 NYS legislative session this Wednesday on Zoom. Details listed in events. 


Our climate justice team gave an update on Micron. See Action Alert below about sending public comments to Army Corps by July 1st. Two requests you can submit with your concerns are asking for the comment period to be extended and for the Army Corps to hold a public hearing. For resources to help you write your comments visit:   


The State and Local Action Team (SLAT) reported on additional attacks on the Syracuse Citizen Review Board (CRB), stay tuned for future updates and actions. NYCLU is continuing their work on creating a community land trust around the I-81 project and has won protections for residents and workers as they work on the community grid. Elaine Denton presented some new graphics she has been working on about local property taxes in Onondaga. See examples of property taxes across Onondaga County on our website for a single family home with an average market value of $237,000 in 2016 compared to 2024.


Save the Date: CNY Freedom Unity Rally!

July 9th, 2024 5:30pm – 8pm

Leavenworth Park 212 Barker Ave, Syracuse

Join us on Tuesday, July 9th at 5:30pm for a unity rally as we come together to support the winner of the NY22 Democratic congressional primary. Whoever the winner is, we’re going to work hard, defeat Brandon Williams, and send them to Congress! 


This event is being organized by Indivisible groups and the Syracuse Southside Coalition for Equity and Justice members with the support of NYS Democratic Party and 5 Democratic County committees.


Music will be provided by Karen Savoca and Pete Heitzman!



Unity Rally July 9th

Action Alerts

Primary Election Day Voting Info from Commissioner Dustin Czarny

I have become aware of a developing situation that a company called “VoteFTW” is doing texts in Onondaga County (and throughout New York State) giving people erroneous polling place information.  I have created several social media posts getting people to the right place to look up their election, and alerted the AG, NYSBOE, and media.  

However at a time like this I ask for your help in sharing the social media posts to make voters aware of this developing situation:  Here are the social media post links you can go to and share:






Find your polling place at



 Submit Micron Comments to the Army Corps by July 1st!

We have until July 1, 2024 to submit comments about Micron filling in hundreds of acres of wetlands. Comments can be submitted via email at Direct comments to Margaret Crawford and include the application number, LRB-2000-02198.

Two requests you can submit with your concerns are asking for the comment period to be extended and for the Army Corps to hold a public hearing. For resources to help you write your comments visit:   

Review their application at:

No public hearing is required, although anyone can ask for one in writing. The agency would then determine whether to hold a hearing.

Read Article on


Articles of the Week

Carbon markets, geoengineering and other false solutions: What’s at stake at the current climate talks?

Rather than reducing emissions at source, carbon offsetting ignores the root causes of climate change and is designed to delay and distract from real climate action, allowing big polluters and governments to continue with business as usual. This shifts the burden of mitigation away from those most responsible for the climate crisis, and constitutes a form of carbon colonialism. 

Read it on Indigenous Environmental Network



Voices: “How We Should” Onondaga County Legislator Maurice Brown Talks About Childhood Poverty

Child poverty is a big problem in our country. The latest census data shows that child poverty went up by almost 50% from 2021 to 2022. In New York State, the child poverty rate is 18.8%, which is higher than the national rate. Unfortunately, Syracuse is even worse, with a child poverty rate of 45.8%. So, what can we do about this?


Governor Kathy Hochul has set up a Childhood Poverty Reduction Council and given Onondaga County $12 million to start tackling this issue, focusing on the two zip codes with the highest rates: 13202 and 13204. After talking with community members, local leaders, and experts, I think the money should be used in three main areas: direct cash support, child care, and youth employment.





The Rocky Mountain Institute, founded around 1980 by Amory Lovins and others, has been a leader in research and reporting  on renewable energy, efficiency,  and energy alternatives. Their newest report highlights the exponential growth of Cleantech, and demonstrates that we are on the way out of our dependence on fossil fuels.

The Cleantech Revolution – exponential, disruptive, and now.

The past decade has seen remarkable progress and growth in cleantech. Cleantech costs have fallen by up to 80 percent, while investment is up nearly 10 times and solar generation has risen 12 times. Meanwhile, electricity has grown to become the largest source of useful energy, and the deep force of efficiency has reduced energy demand by a fifth.

As the drivers of change continue to overpower the barriers, cleantech will continue to grow up S-curves, pushing fossil fuel demand into terminal decline and pulling the Paris Agreement within our reach.



Before Joe Moran became Syracuse police union president, he racked up allegations of abuse and dishonesty

Moran has been dogged by allegations of dishonesty and misconduct throughout his career. New York Focus and Central Current obtained his disciplinary records, including civilian complaints and internal documents written by SPD officers, through a Freedom of Information Law request. Moran beat handcuffed suspects, harassed a civilian who made negative social media comments about him, and provided testimony about his conduct that the department’s lead investigator called “disingenuous” and “self-serving.” 


Read it on Central Current



The OCRRA Summer Newsletter is Here!

OCRRA:  Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency

New Website Features, Film Plastics, Waste Capacity Reminders & More

Newsletter Here





Event Calendar

What happen? Climate Action in 2024 Legislative Debrief

What Happened? Climate Action in 2024 CNY Debrief

June 26, 2024 – 6 p.m.


Join Citizen Action and other New York Renews partners and allies to review what happened to climate policy during the 2024 NYS legislative session–and, importantly, how we can take action! Hear from policy experts and advocates about what was included and excluded when it comes to crucial climate efforts in New York State. After, join a discussion with other Central New York climate groups, activists, and concerned individuals about how we can plan to take action ahead of the next legislative session. We know the consequences of climate inaction, so please join us as we strategize future efforts and activities that we can do as Central New Yorkers to combat the climate crisis.


RSVP for Zoom link


Town of Manlius Residents: Public Hearing on purchasing land for $2.8 million

Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30pm

Town of Manlius Town Hall | 301 Brooklea Dr, Fayetteville or on Zoom

The Town of Manlius is considering buying 7.78 acres, currently assessed for $337,800, for $2.8 million dollars as a site for a new town hall and police station. This land will need to be graded and stabilized as it borders an old quarry, costing millions of dollars before any development could occur. The estimate of a new building in 2018 was over $17 million dollars. That would be $20-25 million today not including a $2.8 million dollar land purchase or millions more for making that land buildable. 

If you live in the Town of Manlius, residents have created a website at to learn about concerns. For more information about the public hearing visit the Town of Manlius website.



Embracing the Indian, Centering Indigenous Voices

Thursday & Friday | June 27-28, 2024

Geva Theatre, in association with Friends of Ganondagan and NTID and in affiliation with Native Voices presents Embracing the Indian, Centering Indigenous Voices, a free two-day event. 

June 27 – The Mush Hole, a dance theatre performance about truths of Canada’s first Indian Residential School, with free performances at 2pm and 7pm, Robert F. Panara Theatre,, 52 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623
June 28 – Indigenous Theatre Symposium, featuring keynote remarks from artistic director Santee Smith of the Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, a film screening of UNSEEN TEARS, and more! 8:30am-4pm at Geva Theatre, Fielding Stage/Lobby/Café, 75 Woodbury Boulevard, Rochester, NY. Supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Events are free to the public, Registration is required.


NYSDOT I-81 Viaduct Project:
Northside/Inner Harbor Open House

Thursday, June 27 at 6:00pm – 8:00pm

One Group Center | 706 North Clinton St, Syracuse

NYSDOT is hosting an open house focused on construction on Syracuse’s Northside and in the Inner Harbor area of Syracuse as part of Contract 3 of the I-81 Viaduct Project. 


Join us at the OneGroup Center on 706 N. Clinton Street in Syracuse anytime between 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to see project renderings, speak to the prime contractor, and ask questions about the construction or schedule.


This open house is part of NYSDOT’s ongoing commitment to public engagement and communication in the construction of transportation projects.


Learn More Here


June FOCUS Forum: Outdoor Experiences in Onondaga County

Friday, June 28, 12:05 pm to 1:00 pm

Registration is free and open to everyone.

Join us for an exciting FOCUS Forum on Onondaga County’s outdoor recreation opportunities! This event is all about organized outdoor experiences for all ages. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a leisurely stroll in nature or seeking an adrenaline-pumping adventure, this FOCUS Forum has something for everyone. 


Conducted via Zoom. Register Here



Kanatsiohareke Strawberry Festival

Saturday & Sunday, June 29-30 @ 10 AM – 6 PM. Onsite camping available.
Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community, 4934 State Highway 5, Fonda, NY 12068

The Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community opens its doors to the public with their annual Strawberry Festival celebration. A day to enjoy traditional & modern music, dance, storytelling, silent auction, craft fair, good food. See old friends and make new ones while supporting the Kanatsiohareke Community!

Health Safety Warning: Covid is still a threat to many, and we appreciate public support in keeping the community safe. Please stay home if you have a fever, are feeling sick, or if you have been recently exposed to the COVID virus. Masks are encouraged, but optional.

Volunteers needed. To volunteer, contact the Community at

(Exits 28 & 29 off I-90).Adults: $10 • Seniors & Children under 12: $8 • Children under 5: Free!



Citizen Review Board Block Party

June 29th  11am to 4pm. Meachem Field

Join us for a chance to win bug! We’re raffling off four $100 Wegmans gift cards, an Onondaga County Family Fun pass valued at $92, four Syracuse Mets Family 4 Pack with dugout box tickets, an NBT Stadium parking pass & food vouchers ($100 value), and more. There will be a DJ, inflatable games, concession stands and activities for the whole family. Plus, enjoy delicious catering by Who Want Smoke BBQ & Catering! A huge shoutout to our sponsors, at YSAP for their support. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you there! 

Facebook Event


ArtRage’s Annual ArtRageous Extravaganza.

June 29, 2024 – 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society at 3800 E Genesee Street in Syracuse The 2024 ArtRageous Extravaganza. Live music, local brews, great food, good friends and a silent auction.

  • Karin Franklin King as our AMAZING Master of Ceremonies!

  • The Kambuyu Marimba Ensemble of Syracuse

  • The Cadleys



Onondaga Earth Corps Benefit Bowl Sale

100 Bowls – $100 Each – 100% For A Good Cause

Sunday, June 30, 2024 – 2-4 p.m. – Home of Nancy Stewart, 7595 Hunt Lane, Fayetteville, NY

David R. MacDonald is professor emeritus of ceramics at Syracuse University whose bowls and other ceramic vessels have won national acclaim for their beauty and utility. His work, based on African themes, is featured at the Everson Museum and in many other venues around the country.

David has generously donated 100 of his (food-friendly) bowls to support the work of the Onondaga Earth Corps, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching young people in Syracuse how to plant trees and do landscaping while gaining business and personal skills. As a special bonus, David will be there in person, as will members of the Earth Corps, who will share a bit of their story!

Please join us to see this special collection, meet this special individual, and support an important community organization.

Take home a beautiful bowl and support a great cause! Outdoors in a lovely garden setting, with enjoyable live music!

For questions, please contact Jackie at

To learn more about the Onondaga Earth Corps, visit



Save the Date

Haudenosaunee Social Dancers –

Saturday, July 6, approximately: 11 am and 2 pm
Iroquois Museum, 324 Caverns Road, Howes Cave, NY 12092

ONOTA’A:KA, from the Haudenosaunee community of Oneida in central New York is led by Wes Halsey. Onota’a:ka uses dance as a way to raise awareness of the diversity and uniqueness of Native traditions. Performances include a repertoire that encourages participation. By offering the audience an opportunity to take part Onota’a:ka seeks to create a foundation for understanding that endures beyond the afternoon’s presentation.



Ongoing Events


Syracuse Street Heat is just one, very unencumbered way to work for peace and social justice. We’re part of a decades-long grassroots tradition here, in Ithaca and elsewhere. We stand out and stand up for what we stand for. 

A handful of us stand at busy intersections, for 45 minutes at rush hour, pivoting to the traffic with hand-held signs. We want to get the public thinking about issues often underrepresented in the media. We’re there weekly in almost all of Syracuse’s weather (we seldom cancel). Bring your own sign – or use one of ours. No meetings or committees, so participation time is minimal (yay!) Our Team:  Ann, Dick, Ed, Geoff, Jim, Julienne, Les, Leslie, Peter…. 

To learn more, call Ann or Ed: (315) 478 4571.      


Across from the main gate of Hancock AFB, home of the 174th Attack Wing of the NYS National Guard  training Reaper drone operators. 6000 East Molloy Road.


EVERY FRIDAY…4 to 4:45 p.m. (“CEASE FIRE NOW”, etc./ Palestine solidarity)

A handful of us disperse along the sidewalk with our signs at the very busy intersection of Erie Blvd East and East Genesee St. (across from the DeWitt fire station; park in the nearby mini mall lot.)


EVERY  SATURDAY…9 to 9:45 a.m. 

(range of issues: racism, Palestine solidarity  anti-war, anti-war, etc.)

Across from the Syracuse Regional Market, 2100 Park  St. at the 81N Liverpool/Park St. exit. Park in the Market lot on the north side of Park. You can use one of our signs or bring your own.




Donate to the CNY Solidarity Coalition

CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizations: Syracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, & Urban Jobs Coalition. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on your donations for this. 


Donate Online through PayPal


Mail donations to: 

CNY Solidarity Coalition

P.O. Box 6137, Teall Post Office, 226 Teall Ave., Syracuse NY 13217


Our Committees

To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible Onondaga County: Contact: Tom Keck

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy  

Beyond War and Militarism: A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand


Elaine Denton

Peter McCarthy

Coordinating Committee

CNY Solidarity Coalition

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