CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

CNY Micron Good Jobs & Equitable Access Town Hall

Tuesday, October 01, 2024• 5:30 PM- 7:00PM
Location: TBA

Micron is coming to Central New York and is scheduled to receive upwards of $20B in public subsidies and tax credits from federal, state, and local governments. With this historic investment, the CNY community has been promised thousands of good jobs created by the project, but there has been little discussion or firm commitments made regarding what exactly a “good job” is, or how equitable access for said jobs will be achieved for current local residents, especially Syracuse residents. 

Please join us for a community Town Hall discussion around CNY Micron good jobs and equitable access.

RSVP to Jobs to Move America

Good Jobs Town Hall October 1 at 5:30PM
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