CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

School Taxes in Onondaga County

  • Onondaga County School Taxes Sampling 2024
  • Onondaga County School Taxes Sampling 2017

Here is a map showing school taxes across Onondaga County. Above includes 19 school districts in Onondaga County. Note: some examples above show the same school district as school districts cross town lines. An average school tax bill from the properties I sampled is $6,270 dollars. All examples have increased after 8 years but the rate of changes varies per school district. Below in the spreadsheet provides additional information for districts such as total tax levy, state aid, number of students and more for the 2024-25 school year.

This is a continuation of my research into property taxes in Onondaga County. A difference in town budgets vs suburban school budgets is that town residents in Onondaga County and across New York vote on their school budgets every 3rd Tuesday in May. In 2025, the school budget vote will be May 20, 2025. Your school district will publish their budgets on their school website along with how to vote. Hours of voting vary per school district, but you can vote by mail by contacting your school district. Turnout for school budget elections are usually very low. These elections also usually include electing school board members to your school’s board of education.

The Syracuse City School District’s budget is proposed during the City of Syracuse’s budget schedule which is voted on by the common council in March or April as the City’s fiscal year starts July 1st – June 30th. Syracuse City School Board Members are voted on in November elections.

Elaine Denton
State & Local Action Team (SLAT)

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