CNY Solidarity members and supporters,
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Monday, March 25th
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is over and he has submitted his report to the Department of Justice. Attorney General Barr has sent Congress his summary of Mueller’s findings, which did not exonerate Trump. Call Katko and demand that they make Mueller’s findings public and continue investigations to hold Trump accountable. Syracuse Office (315) 423-5657 – DC Office (202) 225-3701
In addition to phone calls, you can also support the effort by:
a) participate in Indivisible’s social media project here: and/or
b) draft a LTE calling on Katko to demand public release of the report, and/or
c) tag Katko on social media urging him to demand public release of the report.
Tuesday, March 26th:
From our friends at the Fair Elections Campaign – keep calling your state legislators and urge them to keep small donor matching in the final New York state budget. The outcome is still unclear. Our voices can make the difference.
Wednesday, March 27th:
Support GreenLight NY legislation – On March 14, State Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins spoke out about the many benefits of restoring driver’s licenses to undocumented New Yorkers, but she still has not committed to a floor schedule for the bill in the Senate. In addition, Assembly member Stirpe has not yet signed on to the bill in the Assembly. Today, please make one call in support of this important bill. If you live in Stirpe’s district, please call him (315-452-1115). If not, please call Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins (518-455-2585). Once you’ve made your call, please post about it on social media (hashtag #driverslicensesNOW).Saturday, Mar 30th: Syracuse Peace Council’s 83rd Birthday Dinner, featuring Brittany Debarros, who will discuss the “Drop the M.I.C. [Military Industrial Complex]” campaign. Doors open 5:30; dinner at 6:00; program at 7:00. UUMC, 1085 E. Genesee St in Syracuse.
Save the date for these upcoming eventsTues, April 2nd: Healthcare Professional Lobby Day & Rally – Join the NY Metro chapter of Physicians for National Health Program and others in Albany on Tuesday, April 2 for a statewide healthcare professional lobby day to advocate for the New York Health Act.
Thurs, April 4th, 6:30PM Ryan McMahon’s Town Hall meeting – Solvay/Geddes. Tell him to oppose the Murphy’s Island trail. Geddes Town Hall, 1000 Woods Road,Solvay, N.Y. 13209 (see March 18 note)
Thurs, April 11, 6:30PM Ryan McMahon’s Town Hall meeting – Lysander. Tell him to oppose the Murphy’s Island trail. Lysander Town Hall,8220 Loop Road, Baldwinsville, N.Y. 13027 (see March 18 note)
Sat, Apr 13: Rise Up for Social Action training. 9-3:30 pm at Bishop Harrison.More detailshere
Sun, Apr 14: No CNY Solidarity meeting this weekend. We encourage members to attend the Rise Up training on Saturday, which we have co-sponsored.
Sun, Apr 28: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm location TBD
Mon, April 29, 6:30PM. Ryan McMahon’s Town Hall meeting – Dewitt/E. Syr. Tell him to oppose the Murphy’s Island trail. DeWitt Town Hall, 5400 Butternut Drive, East Syracuse, N.Y. 13057 (see March 18 note)
Sun, May 19: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm location TBD
May 31: voter registration deadline for 2019 primary
Sun, Jun 9: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm location TBD
Sun, Jun 23: CNY Solidarity will not meet this weekend. We encourage folks to pitch in with one or more campaigns for Tuesday’s primary.
June 25: ELECTION DAY. Primary election for local and county offices
Oct 11: voter registration deadline for 2019 general election
Nov 5: ELECTION DAY. General election for local and county offices
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out ourWebsiteandour Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and on Facebook: and
Volunteers needed:
Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact
Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact
In solidarity,