From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Next Meeting: Sun. Oct. 25, 2020, 3-4 PM, via Zoom. Link to come.
Agenda: Election topics
Upcoming Meeting Schedule: 11/8, 11/22. 12/6, 12/20/20, 1/10/21
The latest on what we can all do for this election:
The best way to fend off a Trump challenge to the election is a Biden landslide. Reporting from the east coast states will be important in the news narrative, so your vote in New York does count!
One: Vote and Be Counted!
Here are four ways to vote, starting with the most secure and reliable:
1. Vote early in person, if you can. Your vote will be counted on election day. Early Voting: 10/24-11/1, including weekend days, at six locations in Onondaga County.
2. Absentee Ballots are still available. Drop off in Person if possible. You can now walk into the Board of Elections, complete an Absentee Ballot application, receive a ballot, complete it, and submit it, all in one visit. Like Early Voting, except your vote will be counted after Election Day. But you can do it now.
3. Absentee Ballot, Mail it in. Do it now. Absentee ballots, delivered in person or by US Mail (2 0r #3), will all be counted after Election Day.
4. Election Day Voting. Last choice. Try to get it done earlier. (Trump has promised that there will be chaos on Election Day.)
If you would like to check to make sure BOE has received your absentee ballot, you can use this link. Make sure to type in your street abbreviation; for instance st for street, ave for avenue.
Two: Take the Senate, the House, and State Legislatures.
Any of these could be decisive in various close-election scenarios. It’s not too late to help!
Donate to Indivisible’s Payback Project. They have targeted eleven Republican Senators who have to go. You can also sign up for phone and text banking in key states.
Here’s a fund dedicated to increasing the majority in the House. There are some scenarios in which this could be crucial.
There’s an ActBlue to support 48 state legislative candidates who could collectively flip 10 State chambers. The GiveSmart Fund has a similar goal.
Three: Protect the Vote. UPDATE Oct. 20:
IMPORTANT: A group of us are putting together a coalition of representatives of local progressive organizations to respond if/when Trump tries to steal the election, and to engage in possible proactive efforts to prevent that. We know that Trump is prepared to declare victory and begin legal battles if the results reported on Nov. 3 are close. A group met last week, and there are plans to expand the group and meet again this week in order to create a plan that works for a broad community.
Of course, many of us are working hard to be sure there is an undisputable landslide against Trump, but we need to be ready for major demonstrations and other kinds of political action to prevent him from short circuiting the election. This may require weeks or months of work. Indivisible is calling for a nationwide action on November 4 at 5 PM. Please save the date. We have signed on to have an event here, but what that will look like and what specific actions will be part of it are to be determined by this broader group.
More information will be coming.
Here are some of the resources we are looking at. You can start to get ready now.
· Indivisible’s is building a coalition of voters ready to mobilize. Share that link with friends in other places – they can look up local events.
· Choose Democracy is a new effort focused specifically on post-election action. Read this: 10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup
· Hold the Line Organizing. M+R and re:power held a national roundtable featuring their Hold the Line Guide, and are supporting groups who want to create their own Hold the Line teams.
Voting Information:
New York Board of Elections: contacts for all counties
Onondaga County Board of Elections absentee ballots, early voting info, etc.
Dana Balter for Congress: We need a progressive voice representing us in Congress, instead of someone who endorses Donald Trump for President!
Biden/Harris campaign:
Rachel May for State Senate:
John Mannion for State Senate;
Anthony Brindisi for Congress NY 22 Donate
Articles of the Week:
Local Activist News: Have you seen the video entitled “A Future Without Nuclear Weapons” that was made by Rashid Mamun, Don Hughes, and Peter Swords for the international 75th commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? It is about resistance to nuclear weapons including Back from the Brink. Here is the link:
from Climate Change Awareness and Action. Read it Here
John Katko has not responded at this time.
Repeated from last week. Important. These two, particularly Barton Gellman’s, give the best, and scariest, overviews of what could happen. Barton Gellman’s “The Election that Could Break America” and Jeffrey Toobin’s “The Legal Fight Awaiting us after the Election.”
Election Guide 2020: Who will be on the ballot in Central New York? In Read it here.
Sign this petition: Support Peace in Artsakh and an End to Imperial Wars: DSA Syracuse Solidarity Statement
Indigenous Armenian civilians in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) have been under constant bombardment for the past three weeks by Azerbaijan and Turkey. This petition, directed to Dana Balter, urges the United States to condemn this ongoing humanitarian crisis, and use its power to help end the war and prevent the renewed ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Artsakh.
Get a Rachel May lawn sign!
Thursday, Oct. 22 – 5 PM – 6 PM. Corner of Beech and Westcott
We’re in the final push before Election Day. If you’d like to show support for Rachel, please swing by Busker’s Park (the corner of Westcott and Beech) and pick up a lawn sign. Senator May and staff will be there, if you want to say hello!
There is no charge for signs, though donations are always welcome!
Judaism & Zionism – Wednesday, October 21, 7:30-9 pm
Rabbi Walt will synthesize his personal experience of the fusion between Zionism and Judaism and historical analysis of how they were fused with one another. Then he will articulate a vision of a universal non-Zionist Judaism. Discussion in small groups will follow his presentation. Register here.
This event will be livestreamed on the SPC Facebook page, as well as recorded for later viewing.
Rabbi Brian Walt is a rabbi and a human rights activist. He is Rabbi Emeritus of Tikkun V’Or in Ithaca, NY and Congregation Mishkan Shalom, an activist synagogue in Philadelphia that he founded in 1988. A native of South Africa, Brian was the founding executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights-North America. In 2012, he led a delegation of leaders of the Civil Rights movement on a visit to Israel and the West Bank. He has been involved in several progressive American Jewish organizations and is currently a member of the rabbinical council of Jewish Voice for Peace.
This event will be livestreamed on the SPC Facebook page, as well as recorded for later viewing.
A Question of Safety; School Resource Officers Town Hall Series
Hosted by National Action Network Syracuse Chapter
October 20, at 6:00 p.m
More information and registration info Here
The 14 member organizing Collective who comprise the People’s Agenda on Policing, in partnership with the Syracuse City School District, is hosting a series of town halls on School Resource Officers (SROs) in Syracuse City Public Schools. The conversation comes as public scrutiny of police officers in schools is growing nationwide as part of more extensive calls for police reform and accountability.
Hosted via Zoom, the town halls with guest panelists are offered on consecutive Tuesdays in October and November. The first meeting is Tuesday, October 20, at 6:00 p.m. EDT. The series will continue on Tuesday, October 27, Tuesday, November 10 with the last virtual meeting on November 17. Please see registration details below.
Upcoming NY-24 Congressional debates: Balter – Katko
Tuesday, October 20, 7pm,
Sunday, October 25, 7pm, NewsChannel 9 WSYR
A Community Conversation with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Author of How to Be n Antiracist
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
7:00pm EST
Join us for a FREE discussion on Zoom about antiracism and critical social issues that affect us all. The event will feature a presentation by Dr. Kendi, followed by a live-streamed, moderated conversation with questions from community members.
This event is open to all, however pre-registration is required. An email with a link will be sent out 1-2 days before the event.
Presented by The Friends of the Central Library, along with the Syracuse University Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Hendricks Chapel, and The Lender Center for Social Justice.
Sponsored by The Central New York Community Foundation, The Gifford Foundation, and WCNY. Register Here
Rally! No More Rate Hikes, Public Power Now! FB Event
Hosted by Syracuse DSA
Thursday, Oct. 22, 5 PM – 6 PM
Niagara Mohawk Building – Syracuse, NY 13202
National Grid is pushing to raise utility rates by July 2021. This means that our electric and gas bills will see an increase (4% and 6% respectively), just when working people are most affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic. This will generate a total revenue of 140 million dollars for the British multinational. National Grid says it needs to raise prices because they want to “modernize its gas and electric infrastructure”, which experts read as an excuse for expanding its methane gas pipelines.
We think it is outrageous that National Grid wants to profit off of working people who are barely making it through in a crumbling economy while also destroying our climate! This is why DSA is engaged in a statewide campaign to take over utilities, switch to renewables and put the administration into public hand. That way we steer away from greedy capitalist corporations and attend to our utility needs rationally.
Please join us in this statewide week of action! Come to our rally in front of the Niagara Mohawk Building and let’s make it clear that National Grid has to go! Public power now!
Early Voting in New York State.
October 24.
How to Vote Safely in Person:
Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump (virtual event)
Saturday, October 24, 2020 – 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Each fall, since 2016, ArtRage Gallery and Building Company Theater have partnered to create NOT NORMAL: Art in the Age of Trump. This year, ArtRage is opening our virtual gallery doors for members of the community to share music, poetry, visual art, short film and performance art!
CLICK HERE to reserve your ticket TODAY! The Zoom link will emailed to you from Ticket Tailor after you reserve your ticket. The “Zoom Room” will open at 6:30pm and the event will begin at 7:00pm. This is a free event and donations are gladly accepted. All funds raised will go towards the work of ArtRage Gallery. Participating Artists will be announced soon!
Fight Your Boss! Teach-ins, Part 2: A History of Class Struggle
Hosted by Syracuse DSA
Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 7 PM – 8:45 PM
Following up the first Fight Your Boss! Teach-in, we are hosting Tod Rutherford of SU’s Geography Dept. for some collective learning about the history of class struggle in the United States and workers’ present situation. We must understand history to understand the present and future.
New and prospective members welcome regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Register in advance
This is the second teach-in focused on working class struggle in our series this fall. In November, we’re hosting our final Fight Your Boss! Teach-in where we’ll talk about how to organize in your workplace at the super practical level.
Election Day – November 3
Protect the Results/Count Every Vote
November 4, 5 PM
Nationwide day of action on November 4 at 5 PM. Please save the date. We have signed on to have an event here, but what that will look like and what specific actions will be part of it are yet to be determined.
Street Heat – Weekly Protests are back with Physical Distancing!
HANCOCK: our decade-long protests against Hancock’s piloting killer reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands continue. 6000 East Molloy Rd every Tuesday from 4:15 to 5 p.m.
DEWITT: Weekly protest against IDF terrorism, maiming and killing of Palestinians. Fridays 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. at Erie Blvd E and E Genesee, Dewitt. Park in the nearby mini-mall parking lot.
REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET: anti-weaponized drones/anti-militarism protest: 9 to 9:45 a.m Saturdays . directly across from the market’s main entrance on Park Street.
For more information:
Also see COVID19 Info Below
SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network (SIRDN) Coronavirus-related information for farmworker, immigrant, undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. English and Spanish-speaking operators. Text and phone.
SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, for immigrants and undocumented folks. English and Spanish Or use these instructions to have Google translate .
If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397
Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page
COVID-19 Testing Hotline
Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page
NYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page
Peter McCarthy