CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter January 12 – January 19

From CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Upcoming Meetings: 1/24,  2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/21 

Report from 1/10/21 Meeting:

·       Financial Report

·       Election of Coordinating Committee. Ted Endreny, Chris Flynn, Dick Kornbluth, Peter McCarthy, re-elected to one year terms.

·       Special Presentation on Invest in Our New York

CNY Solidarity Coalition will endorse the Invest in Our New York campaign. (see below)

Update on the Invest in Our New York campaign  •

Governor Cuomo has continually refused to raise taxes on the wealthiest New Yorkers.  Tuesday’s Post -Standard: “Cuomo once again downplayed the idea of raising taxes on the wealthiest New Yorkers, saying it would raise only $1.5 billion.” 

Invest in Our New York is a campaign seeking to tax New York’s wealthiest residents in order to fund the services we need to support the working class and keep our economy afloat. The six bills proposed by the state-wide coalition will raise between 50 and 75 billion dollars in annual revenue, and our goal is to include all six in the state budget as it is negotiated over the next few months.

More than 90% of New Yorkers –  across political parties – agree: We should tax the rich before cutting services. Our leaders must act this year to

Stop giving the wealthiest tax breaks and start requiring their stronger participation in the common good through fairer assessments on their income and wealth (4 bills)

Make big business and Wall Street contribute a fraction of what they gain from operating here, through small fees on financial transactions and offsets to their windfall from Trump’s 2017 tax cuts (2 bills)

We now have a small team, collaborating with our local DSA partners, working on this, in collaboration with a statewide effort that has been endorsed by over 100 groups.   We will be looking for more help very soon as we prepare for email campaigns, phone banking, social media, meetings with our legislators, etc. Please respond to this email if you can help with these efforts. Local launch event coming, date TBD: Jan. 19,20, or 21. 

It is our job to reach out particularly to Senators May and Mannion, and Assemblypersons Hunter, Magnarelli, and Stirpe, as well as the Governor’s office . 

Learn more about the Invest In Our New York Act plan to fund our future: Summary and full report:

Articles of the Week:

Read David Driesen’s  opinion piece in the Syracuse Newspapers: Katko Must Vote to Impeach Trump

Indivisible just came out with their latest guide, a 30-page booklet called, “Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Fixing Our Democracy.” They state, “We’ve defeated Trump. We’ve defeated his cronies. We won in Georgia and took the Senate. We’ve celebrated. Now, we have a short window to save our democracy. Getting it done depends on all of us, and this new.Indivisible guide provides a blueprint.”

Now Is the Time for Congress to Deliver Read it in The Nation 

Too many people no longer believe that government is helping lift all boats. The solution is clear: a progressive agenda that makes a transformative difference in people’s lives. By Rep. Pramila Jayapal


NOW: CALL KATKO! Demand Trump’s removal/impeachment!


WASHINGTON DC Phone: (202) 225-3701

SYRACUSE Phone: (315) 423-5657

Onondaga County Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative: 

Public Forums beginning: January 7 for Onondaga County  Jan. 12 for Syracuse City

Go Here for schedule and Zoom links

Executive Order No. 203 titled New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative established June 12, 2020 by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo was enacted and requires any agency in New York State seeking state funding to have a plan in place addressing police reform which is approved by its governing body. The plan must be submitted to the Governor by April of 2021.

Similar to other communities in New York State, Onondaga County has combined with all municipalities within the county, to address a comprehensive plan for reform.  While this collaborative effort creates a baseline for all government entities within Onondaga County with a police agency operating with law enforcement officials, the Executive Order requires that each department develop its own plan for police reform.

City of Syracuse: Engagement Opportunities will be hosted by Reverend H. Bernard Alex of Victory Temple Fellowship Church on January 12, 13 and 19th. Please visit the Public Comment Link to submit any questions and to pre-register in order to make statements on the day of the Forum. 

Onondaga County: Engagement Opportunities will be hosted by Nodesia Hernandez with New York State Senator Rachel May’s Office on January 7 and 14th.  Reverend H. Bernard Alex will host the last session on Wednesday, January 20th.  Please visit the Public Comment Link to submit any questions and to pre-register in order to make statements on the day of the Forum.

Please click the link below for an updated survey regarding Police Reform.

Protect Students, Not Billionaires from Alliance for Quality Education, 

Jan. 12 3:30 PM

Our schools have been struggling to meet the growing demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With no additional funding in 2020 many districts were forced to make cuts and lay off hundreds of educators. Now, as Governor Cuomo and the state legislature prepare for the 2021 state budget, we must demand that they prioritize our children and their education. Join us to Protect Students, Not Billionaires.

Join us on January 12, in person in NYC or virtually from anywhere across the state to fight for our public schools and the full funding they deserve. We will be holding a speak out and teach-in on why we need to raise revenue for our schools with an increase in taxes on New York’s ultra wealthy.

You can join us in person or online: Sign up here.

NOTE: This is AQE’s part in the Invest in Our New York campaign.

Fascism in America, what should we do?

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 7 PM 

Join us to discuss the recent events we witnessed in DC and what we, as socialists, should do in order to stop the articulation and growth of a fascist movement in the country. We want to hear your ideas and concerns, and form an action plan that can contribute in the fight against incipient fascism.

Invite anyone you think might be interested!


Dislocation Location: PART TWO! A Discussion Series on Art as a Refuge and Rallying Point

January 13, 2021 – 7:30 – 8:30pm

Join us for a second Zoom reading and discussion group 

in conjunction with our current exhibition, “Joe Guerriero: Waiting For Normal- Cuba and the United States.” 


See for ArtRage’s upcoming events!

NYCLU is continuing its series of Tuesday Talks on the Rt 81 project

Read the NYCLU’s report, Building a Better Future: The Structural Racism Built into I-81,and How to Tear It Downhere. “The I-81 project could be the catalyst for knitting back together what the highway destroyed [the 15thWard, where about 90% of the 11,000 Black Syracusans lived]. By taking a hard look at the harms done to people in the past, there is a real chance to improve housing conditions, health outcomes, and economic and educational opportunity for all people in Syracuse.”

For the links to the Tuesday Talks,  email: Kevin Atwater, Central New York Chapter, NYCLU.

Indivisible’s National Day of Action. Info Here

Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 12:30 PM

People Lead Rally – Please join us as we rally (masked and socially distanced) to call on Senator Schumer to prioritize democracy in the new Congress: 12:30 – 1 pm at the Hanley Federal Building.   More details here.

Co-hosted by Indivisible NY24 and Indivisible Syracuse, this event is part of a national Indivisible day of action

Syracuse Immigrant Refugee Defense Network (SIRDN)

January 19 from 5:30-7:30pm 

Join us for our next bi-weekly general meeting! We will be providing updates on our campaigns and the activities of our working groups, including solidarity fundraising, ongoing legislative advocacy campaigns, and other efforts to support the work of the Workers Center of Central New York. New members are always welcome. Spanish translation is provided. For Zoom information, please send us a Facebook message or email us at

Seminar “The rise of radical right” with Mark Potok

Event by Café-Diplo Sciences Po Bordeaux


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 10 AM EST

Price: Free

Public  · Anyone on or off Facebook

We invite you to a seminar in English with Mark Potok about “The rise of the radical right”. Mark Potok will discuss the reasons behind the rise, the scope of the danger it poses to democracy, the nature of the threat of right wing terrorism, the rise in anti-Semitism, with some mention of how this is occurring in the United States and much of Europe as well. 
Mark Potok is an internationally renowned expert on the subject, who has helped for twenty years the Southern Poverty Law Center ( a civil rights organization based in Alabama) to understand hate groups and right-wing terrorism. 
Link for further information:

ArtRage Fair Trade Sale – Virtual Edition

November 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021

=Your purchases support artisans around the world and small local businesses. This year we feel it’s safer to offer a virtual Fair Trade Sale. Details Here

Syracuse Peace Council Plowshares Craftsfair Online 

Nov. 20 – Jan. 31

We are going virtual with Plowshares this year. Ten weeks of sharing, shopping, and crafts November 20-January 31. Now “open” at


Street Heat – Weekly Protests are back with Physical Distancing!

HANCOCK: our decade-long protests against Hancock’s piloting killer reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands continue.  6000 East Molloy Rd from 4:15 to 5 p.m. For the winter months, we will reduce our schedule:  the first Tuesday of every month: same time 4:15 to 5 p.m. Dec 1; Jan 5; Feb 2; March 2; April 6.

DEWITT: Weekly protest against IDF terrorism, maiming and killing of Palestinians. Fridays NEW TIME: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. at Erie Blvd E and E Genesee, Dewitt. Park in the nearby mini-mall parking lot. 

            REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET: Protests are off until April. 

For more information:


SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network (SIRDN)  Coronavirus-related information for farmworker, immigrant,  undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. English and Spanish-speaking operators. Text and phone.

SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, for immigrants and undocumented folks. English and Spanish Or use these instructions to have Google translate .

If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397

Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page

COVID-19 Testing Hotline

Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page

NYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page
Peter McCarthy

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