Special Imbolc Edition
From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Next Meeting: Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021, 3-4 PM. Zoom Link to come.
AGENDA: presentations from our allies at the CNY Workers’ Center, Syracuse Immigrant Refugee Defense Network, and NY Immigrant Coalition.
Four years ago, this is where we started: We went to the airport to protest Donald Trump’s racist, xenophobic, right wing agenda. Come to this meeting to hear about the current challenges faced by our immigrant neighbors and efforts to address them.
Upcoming Meetings: 2/21, 3/7, 3/21, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23. Committee meetings will take place on the second meeting each month: 2/21, 3/21, 4/25, 5/23
Jan. 24 Meeting: Committees met: Indivisible NY24; State/Local Action Team; Climate Justice; Beyond War and Militarism
Invest in Our New York is a campaign seeking to tax New York’s wealthiest residents. The six bills proposed by the state-wide coalition will raise between 50 and 75 billion dollars in annual revenue, and our goal is to include all six in the state budget as it is negotiated over the next few months.
See upcoming events below, starting Feb.3. Learn more: http://investinourny.org (scroll down past the petition to the slideshow, or keep going to the Act Summary
Or: Read this for some background: The Socialists vs. Andrew Cuomo Read it in The Nation
Assembly Members Hunter and Magnarelli have constituent surveys on their sites that directly address the Invest in Our NY issues:
And if you don’t know your Assembly District, here’s where to find it:
Articles of the Week:
Balter: Stop reinforcing Katko’s lies Read it at auburnpub.com
“Unfortunately, it’s not new for Katko to use illegitimate Republican Party talking points to protect himself politically and mislead voters. This is a tactic he’s regularly employed throughout his tenure in office while hypocritically decrying partisanship.”
Fatal Police Shootings Of Unarmed Black People Reveal Troubling Patterns
Since 2015, police officers have fatally shot at least 135 unarmed Black men and women nationwide, an NPR investigation has found. NPR reviewed police, court and other records to examine the details of the cases. At least 75% of the officers were white.
World’s ten richest people gained enough wealth to buy COVID vaccines for all
NY POST – Noah Manskar – 1/25
“The 10 richest billionaires saw their collective wealth increase by $540 billion from March 18 — around the time the coronavirus caused a historic crash in global stock markets — through Dec. 31, according to Oxfam’s analysis of Forbes wealth data.”
“That’s more than enough to cover the estimated $141.2 billion cost of producing, distributing and delivering COVID-19 vaccines for the entire global population, the nonprofit said in its Monday report.”
“The billionaires could also use their added wealth to prevent anyone from falling into poverty as a result of the pandemic — which Oxfam says would cost about $88 billion for a year — and still end up with a gain, according to the report.”
Onondaga County GOP sets targets on 3 Democratic-held county seats
Both major parties are looking to increase their power in the County Leg. These races are hugely important!
How to contact your County Legislator: http://www.ongov.net/legislature/members.html
Democratic lawmakers back new taxes on rich to plug state budget gap
Read it in https://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com
Democratic state lawmakers from the Rochester area are backing a package of bills that would raise taxes on wealthy New Yorkers.
Assembly members Harry Bronson, Jen Lunsford, Sarah Clark, and Demond Meeks, along with Senators Jeremy Cooney and Samra Brouk joined together during a Zoom call to announce their support for the Invest in Our New York Act. The series of six bills would place a number of new taxes on the wealthy and would raise between $71 and $94 billion in the first year, according to the lawmakers.
Read Heather Cox Richardson on the importance of Biden’s Executive Orders.
The breadth of the executive branch is enabling Biden to turn the direction of the government by coordinating changes across a number of departments. So, for example, in an article in the New Yorker, environmentalist Bill McKibben called out Wednesday, January 27, as “the most remarkable day in the history of America’s official response to the climate crisis….”
Why Republicans won’t agree to Biden’s big plans and why he should ignore them Robert Reich Read it in The Guardian. And consider a Contribution while you’re at it.
“If there were ever a time for bold government, it is now. Covid, joblessness, poverty, raging inequality and our last chance to preserve the planet are together creating an existential inflection point.”
Chomsky Knows: Noam Chomsky slams ‘liberal American intellectuals’ for refusing to admit US is a ‘leading terrorist state. Read it in Raw Story.
… during a recent interview with progressive journalist/author Chris Hedges, Chomsky stressed that American liberals have a hard time admitting how bad U.S. foreign policy can be.
Get Off Gas; Press Conference & Rally
February 2, 2021 at 12:00pm
Online. Watch livestream here
Come to the Virtual Rally and Press Conference on Groundhog Day, Tuesday, Feb 2 at 12pm. Bring a sign to show Governor Cuomo and the PSC we can’t wait for essential climate action any longer!
The following Invest in Our New York events are listed together instead of chronologically with other events.
Wednesday, February 03, 2021• 6:30 PM EST and RSVP here. Invest In Our New York Training! – How to Talk to Legislators
Phonebank – Saturday, Feb. 6th, 9:30am – noon Phonebank on Feb. 6 – Register Here
Next planning group meeting: Sunday 2/7, 4 PM on Zoom. You may respond to this email if you would like to join us.
Feb. 8th, 7pm Letters to the Editor workshop –
Learn how to write effective Letters to the Editor! This is a great event for people of any experience level. Hosted by Syracuse DSA and CNY Solidarity.Letters to the Editor Workshop on Feb. 8 – Register Here
Saturday, Feb. 13th, 9:30am – noon: Phonebank –Phonebank on Feb. 13 – Register Here
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network
SIRDN Bi-Weekly General Meeting –
Tuesday, February 2 from 5:3–7:30pm
Price: Free · Duration: 2 hr
Join SIRDN for our next bi-weekly general meeting!
We will be providing updates on our campaigns and the activities of our working groups, including solidarity fundraising, ongoing legislative advocacy campaigns, and other efforts to support the work of the Workers Center of Central New York. New members are always welcome. Spanish translation is provided.
For Zoom information, please send us a Facebook message or email us at sirdn315@gmail.com.
The Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network works for immigration justice in Central New York and beyond through organizing, advocacy, and solidarity support for directly affected individuals and their families. We center the leadership of staff and members of the Workers’ Center of Central New York and strive to show up as allies and accomplices in the fight for human dignity for all people regardless of their citizenship status.
NYCLU is continuing its series of Tuesday Talks on the Rt 81 project.
Read the NYCLU’s report, Building a Better Future: The Structural Racism Built into I-81,and How to Tear It Down. https://www.nyclu.org/en/publications/building-better-future.
For the links to the Tuesday Talks, email: Kevin Atwater, Central New York Chapter, NYCLU. katwater@nyclu.orgPassing the For the People Act (HR1):Citizen Action, with CNY Solidarity Coalition and Indivisible NY24Thursday, 2/4 at 6pm ETSaturday, 2/6 at 6pm ETRight now, a handful of Democratic House members have yet to sign on to pass the For the People Act – which if passed would pass sweeping reforms nation-wide, including an end to partisan gerrymandering, the implementation of AVR and vote-by-mail, and the creation of small donor matching system.
To build the support needed to get HR1 passed in the House, we’re looking for volunteers to join weekly HR1 phonebanks, where we will call voters in priority Congressional districts to ask them to voice their support of HR1 by calling their House Representative. You can sign up to join us using the links aboveAlso, folks can voice their support of HR1 by writing a Letter to the Editor. We’ve created this tool here to help you do it:https://dfadcoalition.org/takeaction/#lte Annual Community Meeting of the Westcott Community Development CorporationThursday, February 4, 2021 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Register on ZoomPlease join the Board of Trustees as we work to take the WCDC in bold new directions — building on our legacy of neighborhood revitalization and amplifying our mission of inclusive economic development. We have a full agenda, including voting to change our nonprofit corporation’s name to Inclusive Economy CNY, voting on updated bylaws, election of the Board of Trustees and discussion of our upcoming plans. View the annual meeting packet here.Who Should Attend?Anyone interested in inclusive, community-based economic development is welcomed to attend. If you are not a member of the Westcott Community Development Corporation (established 1996), become a member here! It just takes 2 minutes, and a $5 optional dues payment, to become a lifetime member.Purpose & GoalsThe WCDC – soon to be known as Inclusive Economy CNY – will pursue economic development initiatives that combat community deterioration, poverty, racism, marginalization, and injustice; and that improve social, educational, and economic outcomes for local residents. Our plans for the coming years are particularly concerned with· revitalizing “main street” business districts in ways that engage and uplift the neighborhood’s existing residents, · creating equitable opportunities for minority-owned and other disadvantaged businesses, · growing our region’s cooperative economy, and· engaging with strategic partners to accomplish a shared community development agenda that prioritizes social & racial equity, financial inclusion, and economic justice.
New York Immigration Coalition Member Congress
Feb. 4, 2021. 9AM-5 PM Online
The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) Member Congress, Thursday, February 4th, 2020, will bring NYIC Member and partner organizations together from across New York State to build a statewide collaborative advocacy strategy, lobby representatives, and engage in professional development/networking in support of immigrant and refugee communities. Join us for a day of engaging opportunities.
Register Here. Or contact kkelechian@nyic.org for more information.
“The Fertile Ground, Home of the Seneca”
Erie Canal Museum, Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor and Skä•noñh – Great Law of Peace Center
Saturday,Feb. 6 at 1 PM EST – 2 PM EST
Get your ticket now for “The Fertile Ground, Home of the Seneca” with Peter Jemison, Seneca artist, educator, advocate, and Historic Site Manager of Ganondagan State Historic Site. Jemison is the first guest in our new speaking series in partnership with the Skä·noñh-Great Law of Peace Center looking at the impacts of the Erie Canal on the Haudenosaunee and their foodways as part of our larger Erie Eats Foodways Project. Admission is $10 for the general public and $5 for members of either the Erie Canal Museum or Ska-nonh. Museum members, please email outreach@eriecanalmuseum.org to receive your discount. When you preregister for this special lecture through the Shop page of our website, you’ll receive an email providing access to this secure event. You can register here: https://eriecanalmuseum.org/…/virtual-discussion-peter…/
Westcott CC Van Fundraising Concert with Joe Driscoll & Friends
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 AT 7 PM EST – 9 PM EST. Online Event
Westcott CC Van Fundraising Concert with Joe Driscoll & Friends
Event by Westcott Community Center and Joseph Driscoll
Local superstar Joe Driscoll and some of his friends will perform as a part of a fundraising concert to help Westcott Community Center purchase a new van for our transportation program!
Suggested Donation: $50 (but all donations happily accepted) https://westcottcc.org/donations/
Where Are the Women? UNLADYLIKE2020: A free, virtual education summit
February 13, 2021. 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
National Women’s Hall of Fame | 1 Canal Street, PO Box 335, Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Black History Matters
Where: NAHOF’s YouTube channel
Tickets: Free to view!
Black History Matters is a series of twenty-eight virtual introductory short “crash courses” addressing various aspects of Black American history and culture. The videos will provide critical context for the ongoing racial justice movements and the persistence of racism in America. No registration is required for these free sessions.
The videos will be released on NAHOF’s YouTube channel and will be shared on NAHOF’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A new video will be made live every day in February. Learn more about the program and see the complete list of themes covered by the videos.
Assemblyman Magnarelli’s Community Information Meetings:
Feb. 25, 7 Pm for VanBuren and Geddes
March 4, 7 Pm for Syracuse
Register here; https://nyassembly.gov/mem/William-B-Magnarelli
Or contact the office at abdelld@nyassembly.gov
Community Forum: The Warrior Cop Mentality in our Schools and Community
Thursday, March 4, 6-7:30 p.m. Link/location to come.
The first in a series of community forums in March, hosted by SPAARC. Syracuse Police Accountability And Reform Coalition“
Street Heat – Weekly Protests are back with Physical Distancing!
HANCOCK: our decade-long protests against Hancock’s piloting killer reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands continue. 6000 East Molloy Rd from 4:15 to 5 p.m. For the winter months, we will reduce our schedule: the first Tuesday of every month: same time 4:15 to 5 p.m. Dec 1; Jan 5; Feb 2; March 2; April 6.
DEWITT: Weekly protest against IDF terrorism, maiming and killing of Palestinians. Fridays NEW TIME: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. at Erie Blvd E and E Genesee, Dewitt. Park in the nearby mini-mall parking lot.
REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET: Protests are off until April.
Donations to support phone banks for the Invest in Our NY Campaign: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/empirestateindivisible-taxtherich
The Westcott Community Center services over 600 poor, elderly clients regularly throughout the year with many, many services., including daily meals. It is crucial that WCC have a van to transport many of these folks and to deliver meals and obtain needed supplies. The current van has been used for 17 years and was funded by Nancy Larraine Hoffman three State Senators ago. It has a body so rusted that the running boards have fallen off and it is in the final state of disrepair. State Funds are not currently available, nor are most grants, for the purchase of a vehicle. Donate Here
Onondaga County Vaccine Information: https://covid19.ongov.net/vaccine/
SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network (SIRDN) Coronavirus-related information for farmworker, immigrant, undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. English and Spanish-speaking operators. Text and phone.
SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, for immigrants and undocumented folks. English and Spanish Or use these instructions to have Google translate .
If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397
Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page
COVID-19 Testing Hotline
Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page