CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

CNY Solidarity Action Alerts (Week of March 6)

Monday (Mar. 6) (3 actions today—1 rally, 1 phone-calling, and 1 educational)


  1. Rep. Katko still won’t meet with constituents, but tonight he’s meeting with big-pocket donors for a fundraiser at Blarney Stone, 314 Avery Ave. 13204. The fundraiser is scheduled for 5:30-7:30pm. We’ll be outside from 5:00-6:00 reminding him that we’d like to meet with him too (and holding the great signs made at yesterday’s meeting!). Please join us:


  1. If you can’t make it to tonight’s protest (or even if you can!), it’s time to call Rep. Katko on health care again. He has repeatedly pledged not to support repeal of the Affordable Care Act unless and until a Republican replacement plan is ready, but he has repeatedly declined to say what elements such a replacement plan would need to include in order to garner his vote. Now, Republican congressional leaders are drafting a repeal bill in secret and trying to move it through committee so quickly that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) won’t have time to score the bill, meaning we won’t know how many people it will insure or how much it’s going to cost. Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC). Call today. Ask (politely!) whether Katko views the current bill as an acceptable replacement; if the staffer won’t say, leave your name and number and ask for a call back. And urge Katko not to support any bill that would reduce the number of Central New Yorkers who are insured or the quality of their insurance coverage.


  1. At 7pm, a team of local professors (including a couple CNY Solidarity members) will present a Roving University Teach-In on What to Expect in Trump’s America. All Saints Church, 1340 Lancaster Ave. in Syracuse:


Tuesday (Mar. 7) (Multiple options today, including trips to Albany, phone calls to state legislators, a rally in Syracuse, and a great new educational offering from one of our members)


  1. The Workers Center of CNY is organizing a bus trip to Albany to support the Green Light NY campaign:


  1. If you can’t make it to Albany, please call your state legislators and Gov. Cuomo to urge their support for Green Light NY. This legislation would provide driver’s licenses to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status; more details can be found here. The key message is: Without licenses, immigrants cannot drive to work or buy groceries, nor take their children to school or to medical appointments. When immigrants don’t have access to licenses, a routine traffic stop can lead to deportation and the separation of families. Moreover, extending licenses to immigrants will make our roads safer and lead to a stronger New York economy due to fees that will be collected. Licenses, of course, will always be obtained in accordance with DMV requirements concerning minimum age and insurance coverage, as well as written and road tests that must be passed. Most CNY Solidarity members are represented in the State Senate by David Valesky (315-478-8745) or John DeFrancisco (315-428-7632) and in the State Assembly by William Magnarelli (315-428-9651), Pamela Hunter (315-449-9536), or Al Stirpe (315-452-1115). If you’re not sure who your state legislators are, click here and enter your address to find out. To contact Gov. Cuomo, please call 518-474-8390.


  1. If you live in Sen. DeFrancisco’s district and would like to meet with him on Friday (see below), please email Paul Weichselbaum by 3pm today to RSVP. (DeFrancisco’s office requires that we provide a list of names in advance.)


  1. Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner has been hosting weekly Resist Trump Tuesday rallies on Tuesdays at noon in Perseverance Park. Today’s rally is in support of international & immigrant educators and students.


  1. Tonight from 6-8pm, CNY Solidarity member Eric van der Vort will be teaching Session 1 of CNY Solidarity’s “Introduction to American Government” course. This free session will cover basics of the federal government: its origins, structures, and powers. A combination of lecture and discussion will be held, with plenty of time for questions. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance. This session will be held in the community room (basement) of the Syracuse Center for Peace and Social Justice, 2013 E. Genesee St. Please register/RSVP at


Wednesday (Mar. 8)

Today, please call Rep. Katko, Sen. Schumer, and Sen. Gillibrand and urge them to support the BRIDGE Act (H.R. 496 in the House; S. 128 in the Senate). This legislation would prevent the deportation of immigrants who arrived as children (aka DACA recipients or Dreamers). Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC). Schumer’s are 202-224-6542 and 315-423-5471. Gillibrand’s are 202-224-4451 and 315-448-0470.


Thursday (Mar. 9)

  1. Please call your state senator ( and ask them to sponsor the New York Health Act (S.4371) for Universal healthcare coverage in NYS. RSVP for the Healthcare is a Human Right Rally and Lobby Day in Albany on April 4thon our web site: Again, most of us are represented by State Sen. David Valesky (315-478-8745) or John DeFrancisco (315-428-7632), but if you’re not sure, click here and enter your address to find out.


  1. State Assembly Member Bill Magnarelli has “community information nights” on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 PM.  Tonight’s event is at Henninger High, 600 Robinson St. in Syracuse.


Friday (Mar. 10)

  1. Today, please call Rep. Katko—315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC)—and urge him todemand that Jeff Sessions resign as Attorney General. AG Sessions has recused himself from investigations of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, but that’s not good enough. According to Sessions himself, officials who commit perjury should be removed from office—and his claims to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he hadn’t communicated with Russian officials obviously fit the bill. Many MoCs have already called for him to resign, including Sen. Schumer and Gillibrand, but not Rep. Katko. Click here for a recommended script, but as always, using your own words is best.


  1. Today at 10:15 am, we are meeting with State Sen. DeFrancisco at his 8th floor office at 333 E Washington St. As indicated above, we must provide names in advance, and everyone must show photo ID to enter.


Saturday (Mar. 11): Take a day for yourselves and your families (at least until further notice!).


Sunday (Mar. 12):

  1. At 11:30am, CNY Solidarity’s door-knocking team will meet at the Center for Peace and Social Justice, 2013 E. Genesee St. Please email Dawn Wilson if you plan to attend.


  1. From 3-4:30pm, CNY Solidarity Coalition will meet at All Saints/Bishop Harrison Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave. in Syracuse. The working plan for today is a 90-min. full-coalition meeting, focused on several key matters of organizational structure and decision-making. (If all goes smoothly, we’ll circulate an agenda in advance.) Break-out groups will not meet during the normal meeting time today, but we have the space reserved for the afternoon and so some groups will meet before or after the full coalition. Check with your individual break-out groups for details.


Every day and always, be sure to follow us online and on social media!

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