The nationwide anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America is sponsoring a “March against Sharia” event in Syracuse, Saturday June 10, in coordination with similar events in cities across the country. CNY Solidarity Coalition rejects the mischaracterization of Sharia, and demonization of our Muslim neighbors by ACT for America and allied…
We have only until Friday, June 2 to send a loud emphatic message to government officials that the people have not been heard on a proposed Onondaga Lake restoration plan issued April 24 by state and federal governments. Damages to Onondaga Creek in the city of Syracuse, specifically on Syracuse’s neglected South…
No. 1 Jeff Sessions No. 2 Tom Price No. 3 Scott Pruitt No. 4 Andrew Puzder No. 5 Betsy DeVos No. 6 Neil Gorsuch No. 7 Katko Voting Record No. 8 Sessions Must Resign! Want to get more involved in these issues? Join the Legislative Action Committee: Visit Legislative Action landing…
Today through Friday, buy anything from Syracuse Cultural Workers (in store and online) and 20% of proceeds will benefit the CNY Solidarity Coalition. (Enter code 1617CNYS when shopping online.) Click here to download a PDF of the fundraiser flyer and post it on bulletin boards across CNY. Founded in 1982, SCW…
(By our own Maureen Curtin) If on March 17, you will celebrate your Irish heritage and honor ancestors who long ago came to the United States, I offer a toast and a modern-day twist on the story of Irish immigration. My story comes with an invitation to support newcomers today……
Snow showers and freezing temperatures did not stop protesters in Syracuse from rallying to end the deportation of immigrants on Wednesday. Members of the Workers’ Center of CNY demonstrated in support of one of their own. Dolores Bustamante, a Workers’ Center board member, faced an immigration hearing in western New…
We have 18 days to save our health care. Last week, Paul Ryan unveiled the Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act—a proposal that would tear away health care from tens of millions of people, defund Planned Parenthood, destroy Medicaid, and raise insurance premiums for most people by $1500.…
Workers Center of CNY board member, mother, farmworker, and community activist Dolores Bustamente is facing a difficult immigration court date in Batavia on Wednesday, March 15th. We are concerned she could be detained and separated from her family and her community! For many years, Dolores has been a farmworker in the…
CNY Solidarity Coalition members and supporters: Great to see so many of you again yesterday. Thanks as always to All Saints/Bishop Harrison Center for hosting. For those who weren’t there, we spent a good bit of time discussing principles of consensus-based decision-making. Peter read a quote from Douglas Steere about…
Town Hall Meeting on Preserving Democracy Saturday, March 18, 3-5 pm Nottingham High School, Syracuse (map) ** Click to download event flyer PDF ** The CNY Solidarity Coalition has scheduled our first open Town Hall Meeting on Preserving Democracy for Saturday, March 18. Although he was invited, Congressman John Katko is “unavailable.” Packing the auditorium with…