Today we will make history. Make sure you get out and vote down the entire ballot and flip your ballot over to vote YES on Prop 1 to protect abortion and our freedoms!
CNY Solidarity
For those who struggle with voting when we have serious reservations, consider Chomsky's advice: "You vote against the worst. Then you go back to work.You keep the pressure and activism going."
Early Voting Starts This Saturday! Sign up for phone calls and canvassing your neighbors. We need Good Cause in Syracuse! + More
3 weeks to Election Day! Volunteer to get voters to the polls! Write LTE, Vote Yes on Prop 1! Speak out against Nuclear!
Vote Yes on Prop 1! Sign on to Good Jobs Platform, CNY Solidarity Zoom Meeting This Sunday!
CNY Good Jobs Town Hall Tonight, Onondaga County Budget, Candidate Forums & More
Let’s take a look at what our taxes are funding. Above shows the budget broken down by department. I did my best to give an idea based on the information provided in the 2025 Budget Book to show what Onondaga County residents are funding with our local dollars vs other…
Taking a closer look at the information in the 2025 Executive Budget Book, it seems to show only so many “budgeted” positions are actually funded in the county budget. In the budget it mentions filled positions, budgeted positions and staffing. If departments are 30 – 40% understaffed looking at the…
Meeting This Sunday, Make Polluters Pay, Good Jobs Town Hall and more!
We will be looking through Onondaga County's $1.5 billion dollar for 2025 budget highlighting data, asking questions and advocating for the county to do more for the residents of Onondaga County.