CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

CNY Solidarity

Community Outreach Event Calendar April 2 – 9

Dear CNY Solidarity members and supporters,  This week we share an important fundraiser for an immigrant father, Natalio:  “In August 2018, after being stopped for a minor traffic infraction in the Upstate NY town of Camillus, local police turned over Natalio and his wife Gloria and their small child to…
Confronting Corruption Syracuse Photo Credit: Julio Urrutia

Action Alerts – Week of April 1st

CNY Solidarity members and supporters:Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.  Important actions this week regarding healthcare, immigration, and climate justice, but I particularly want to call your attention to a nationwide day of actions calling for full public release of the…


Dear members and supporters, Thanks goes to our fellow organizers at the Workers Center for updating us on all the work being done RIGHT NOW, at our coalition meeting this past Sunday. We call on our members to help support the following meaningful efforts. Please familiarize yourself with the following…
Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of March 25th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters,Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. Monday, March 25th Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is over and he has submitted his report to the Department of Justice. Attorney General Barr has sent Congress his summary of Mueller’s findings,…

Support the Less is More Act

CNY Solidarity Members and Supporters:  The CNY Solidarity Coalition was asked to sign onto a letter of support from a coalition of New York groups calling for the passage of the Less is More Act, which will correct a set of significant injustices in the parole system. The Coordinating Committee decided to sign on for the Coalition since they…

Community Outreach Event Calendar – Jan 22 – 29

Dear members and supporters, first: a message from our friends and fellow organizers at Black Lives Matter Syracuse:      We are asking Black Lives Matter supporters for support for a Welcome Home celebration for Sheena Jenkins, a community member and mother of five. Three years ago, when police shot and killed…
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