In person meeting April 16, Tax the Rich, Make 3 calls for NYS Climate Law, Syracuse CRB 30 years!
NY State budget due by April 1st! We must tax the rich! Town Halls, Rezone Public Hearing and more in this week's newsletter.
Announcing CNY Solidarity Speaker Series! Join us on Zoom to hear from our guest speaker, Oceanna Fair from Families for Lead Freedom Now. Take action by contacting your representatives on this critical issue.
The proposals are part of a “participatory budgeting” program run by the Central New York Community Foundation. Through the program, residents were invited to come up with a solution that the foundation will then fund with $150,000….Syracuse has one of the worst lead crises in the nation. Read it on Central Current
“The Russia-Ukraine conflict has presented the latest opportunity for profiteering off of war. The arms industry is certainly making big bucks, with policies that fuel the conflict with the selling of an array of weaponry. There are politicians who have bought stock in the arms industry just before Russia invaded Ukraine.” Read…
“…during the Trump administration, a number of Democrats joined Republicans in Congress to weaken laws including Dodd-Frank, the landmark regulatory reform passed in the wake of the (2008) crisis. Executives from Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were among those who successfully lobbied to weaken rules that may have prevented…
INDIVISIBLE has a new guide out: “A Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA,” here in PDF form. At just 19 pages, it’s their usual easy-to-read, hyper-local analysis. Read it Here
Increase lead testing, Syracuse seeks input on proposed surveillance technology, Forum on the Syracuse STEAM High School and more in this week's newsletter.
Come check out the Coalition's committees this Sunday, March 12 at 3PM, article on Micron's Electricity Hogging Plant, Call your representative to Invest In Our NY, Worker Solidarity Day of Action and more in this week's newsletter.
NY saw a 21% increase in millionaires in 2021, Call your NYS legislator to share your support of the Invest in Our New York campaign, town halls and more.