Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
Please read this terrifying expose of right wing tactics. Read it on
“Survey data shows that U.S. voters, including those in key battleground states, overwhelmingly want the Biden administration to challenge corporate power and support a windfall profits tax to counter soaring prices at grocery stores, gas stations, and elsewhere across the economy.” Read it on
Former president Jimmy Carter deemed the U.S. as having become “an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery” in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision to strike down limits on campaign contributions, and the wielding of illegitimate authority within our political system has only grown more extreme in the eight…
Evangelical leaders only seized on abortion as its cudgel for winning elections after religious-right leaders realized it could serve a higher purpose: keeping segregation alive. Read it on Talking Points Memo
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
More than 30 community leaders, residents and officials met with the AG’s office. Many of them told AG’s representatives police treat Syracuse like a “combat zone.” They said officers assume the worst when interacting with Black residents and the department frequently ignores the Citizen Review Board… Read it on Central…
Read it on Business Insider
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