CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


Zoom With Czarny Jeffrey Wice New York Law School

In this week’s Zoom with Czarny, Dustin talks to Jeff Wice of New York Law School. As the foremost expert on redistricting in New York this is a timely discussion on the implications of the latest New York Redistricting ruling throwing out the State Senate and Congressional lines and restarting…

Autocracies and Fossil Fuels Go Hand in Hand

The extraction of hydrocarbons tends to support despotism, whereas sun and wind are much closer to being democratic. By Bill McKibben “The reason we have a system of voluntary pledges, not a binding global agreement, is that the world finally figured out there would never be 66 votes in the US…

Commissioner in a Car

In this week’s Commissioner in a Car, Dustin Czarny outlines the specific objection process that is starting here and at NYSBOE. He also talks about the start of Independent Nominating petitions that start tomorrow, the NYS Redistricting hearing on April 20, and the fallout from LT Governor Benjamin’s resignation and…
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