Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
View the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
View the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
View the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.
The 14-member organizing Collective who comprise the People’s Agenda on Policing, in partnership with the Syracuse City School District, is hosting a series of town halls on School Resource Officers (SROs) in Syracuse City Public Schools. The conversation comes as public scrutiny of police officers in schools is growing nationwide…
View the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Events & Actions, making plans to vote, donating to campaigns, weekly protests, and more.