CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


Father and son marching for Black lives, May 31, 2020, Syracuse NY.

In Solidarity with Minneapolis

CNY Solidarity Coalition supports the current protests against the murders of George Floyd and numerous other African Americans at the hands of police. We will act as allies to those directly involved in this struggle, in accordance with our commitment to non-violent action. The Coordinating Committee’s authority to authorize expenditures will be increased for…
Picture of the City of Syracuse

Community Outreach Events Calendar

May 26, 2020 – June 2, 2020 Announcements from CNY Solidarity Coalition: Next Meeting: Sunday May 31, 3-4 PM. Zoom link will be sent. Serious election-security dangers and what New Yorkers can do now to fix them: Presentation by Julie Weiner of Citizens for Voting Integrity/NY. New York should be a national leader in this effort. What can we…
Weekly Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of May 25

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. The Senate went on recess without taking up the House’s CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.…
Picture of the City of Syracuse

Community Outreach Events Calendar May 5 – 12

Announcements from CNY Solidarity Coalition: Next Meeting: Sunday May 17, 3-4 PM. Zoom link will be sent.   Notes from our May 2 Meeting:  25 attending A. Indivisible’s People’s Bailout Plan: National Indivisible is calling for every member of Congress to pledge not to vote for a COVID relief bill unless it is a true People’s agenda for…
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