CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


Weekly Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of May 4th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: You can apply for an absentee ballot now, and voting as early as you can may help the process go smoothly. You can download an application form at for Onondaga County. Other county electoral commissions also have absentee ballot applications.Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS…
Picture of the City of Syracuse

Community Events/Announcements April 28 – May 4

Announcements from CNY Solidarity Coalition: This  newsletter:  ·       How to Help: Volunteer or Donate is expanded this week to share some thoughts  on what to do if  you can spare some  of your stimulus check.  Stay Involved, stay active! Remember that many of the most effective actions we can take, like calls to officials, and letters to the…
Join us to end childhood lead poisoning in Syracuse!

Join us to end childhood lead poisoning in Syracuse!

The Syracuse Common Council and the Mayor’s office have announced a public comment period for a proposed lead ordinance for the city of Syracuse. We have only until March 5th to send in comments. The city of Rochester passed a similar ordinance in 2006 – the city saw an incredible…
Picture of the City of Syracuse

Community Event Calendar: Feb 11 – 18

Dear CNYSC members and supporters,  This week we start off with a reminder of the Tamales, Tacos, Tortillas and Salsa! Immigrant Solidarity Fundraiser. Please click on the link above to order by Thursday Feb 13th for pickup Saturday Feb 15th. Now, on to your calendar  COMMUNITY OUTREACH EVENT CALENDAR FEB 11 – 18…
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