Primary season 2019 is a potential game changer for Central New York, as our movement produces an ever-increasing number of progressive local candidates. In Washington and across the country, we’re seeing candidates from communities most impacted by inequality and racism step up and run for office, and win. Likewise in…
Here are some additional action items this week. 1) We have reason to be concerned that positive lead tests in the city may result in the evictions of residents whose landlords fail to comply with orders to resolve the issue of lead exposure. Though the problem seems to arise from…
To: CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly legislative ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. Today (Feb 25) Please contact John Katko today to ask that he sign onto the congressional resolution opposing the President’s Emergency Powers action, that is likely to go to…
TUESDAY, FEB 19 Hawley Green Neighborhood Watch 6PM – 7PM NEHDA, Inc. – 101 Gertrude St, Syracuse NY This month’s featured speaker is Lindsay Speer from HeatSmart CNY. You will learn about how heat pumps work and how you can be more comfortable, save money and save the planet by installing…
CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly legislative ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. Highlights this week include a rally against Trump’s #FakeNationalEmergency (today in Syracuse), plus two more Katko town halls on the future of I-81 (Tu and Th evenings, respectively). We…
CNY Solidarity Members and Supporters: The CNY Solidarity Coalition was asked to sign onto a letter of support from a coalition of New York groups calling for the passage of the Less is More Act, which will correct a set of significant injustices in the parole system. The Coordinating Committee decided to sign on for the Coalition since they…
Download, print and share this informative brochure with your family, friends and neighbors. Download Brochure
This week, and in the coming weeks, support for the community grid is priority #1. Please plan on attending one of the upcoming Town Hall and information session. Letters to the editor, phone calls to your State Senators, Assembly and town boards are essential at this time,
Highlights include two of Katko's Town Hall regarding I-81.
Review the action alerts for State and Local events