The election of new and returning Coordinating Committee members will be held at the next full CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting on June 20 at 7:00 pm (Park Central Presbyterian Church, 504 E. Fayette St., Syracuse). Since the number of candidates is fewer than the agreed on number of 8-10, a proposal will be…
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
This week's Community Outreach alert highlights local, intensive efforts to build campaigns and institutions that offer alternatives to the destructive systems that currently prevail in the U.S.
Highlights this week include a local candidate forum in Syracuse, supporting community solar, NY Health Act and training.
Donations needed for funeral and memorial services, housing for immigrant farmworkers and for NAN's National Youth Move Huddle.
Join us for a full coalition meeting this Sunday and more in this week's action alerts! #cnyresists
COMMUNITY OUTREACH EVENT CALENDAR FOR MAY 22 – 29 Please donate! Black Cuse Pride is asking for allies to step up and help support Prideteenth! Put your money where your heart is and give some tangible support to QTPOC peoples here in Syracuse! With your help, Friends of Farmworkers will provide…
Learn about how to participate in the Poor People's Campaign.
Some good news in our Action Alerts this week! A call to support the Poor People's Campaign, Education Justice, NY Health and a Congressional Town Hall!
Amid the litany of high profile videos and reports on the surfacing of Jim Crow in coffee shops, public parks, and college campuses during the past few weeks was the story of Bob Marley’s eldest granddaughter being racially profiled as she left an AirBnB in Rialto, California. In a…