CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


Action Alerts - Tax Scam Protest

Action Alerts – Week of Jan 17

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team.   Monday (Jan 15)  Stop Retention of Trump Administration’s Authority to Spy on American Citizens. Call Senators Schumer (202-224-6542 or 315-423-5471), and Gillibrand (202-224-4451 (315-448-0470) and ask them to oppose the bill extending federal…

Session on Principles for Action – Post-it Notes

10/01/2017 Solidarity Coalition Session on Principles for Action – Post-it Notes Personal Space/Public Protest: Effective and Ineffective Public protest – As a form of communication indicating support – YES. Invading personal space – as a form of intimidation – NO. Clarity about objectives should be discussed. Effective vs ineffective is…

Action Alert – Week of Dec 18th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team. With the holidays upon us, we’re going to keep our recommended actions to a minimum over the next couple weeks. But with the tax vote happening this week, the Dream Act still unresolved,…

December 2017 Nominees for Coordinating Committee

Dec 17, 2017 – Coordinating Committee Election Nominee Statements Jennifer Blusk I would like to serve on the coordinating committee. I have been active with the coalition since December 18th 2016.  I have helped maintain a list of media contacts and have made media calls the morning of rallies and demonstrations. …
Action Alerts - Tax Scam Protest

Action Alerts – Week of Dec 11th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team. Great work last week from everyone who traveled to DC, attended Mayor Miner’s town hall, or rallied with the Trump chicken to protest the #GOPTaxScam. This fight is not over yet. Republican congressional…
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