Congress is back in session this week! A Rally to Support DACA, important meetings to attend and phone calls to make. Let's start off September strong!
Check out some important federal & local actions we all can do this week to make a difference in our local communities and country.
Monday (August 21) Demand Hearings on White Supremacist Terrorism Call John Katko and ask him to have the Homeland Security Committee on which he sits hold hearings on White Supremacist terrorism. Also write letters to the editor asking for this action. In the years since 9/11, white nationalists have caused…
Join us August 23rd at 7PM to discuss with other local organizations how to resist white supremacy & hate in CNY.
With respect to the I-81 replacement, I would like to give my input. After considering the three proposed options in great detail, I am strongly opposed to the tunnel. The DOT removed this option for consideration last fall due to high costs for construction and yearly maintenance, but special interests…
Keep showing up CNY! Great events to attend and one call a day to make this week.
Save the Date!! Tuesday, August 15th we will rally to let our representatives know we will NOT accept ONE PENNY in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations.
We have seen what our phone calls and actions can achieve! Let's keep it up with even more phone calls and actions this week.
Join us in Auburn on Monday, August 14th for a community forum with special guest speakers.
We had an amazing victory last week when the US Senate voted to reject the latest version of TrumpCare. Much credit goes to all of you for your tireless phone calling and demonstrating.