CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


Tell Trump NO!

The United States is a democratic republic in which the people have a voice in making the laws that govern them, and their leaders are subject to that law just as the people themselves are. This is what distinguishes our system of government from a monarchy or dictatorship. When the…
Weekly Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of July 24th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Monday (July 24): One call to Rep. Katko today, plus signing up for a 2nd call later in the week Obstruction of justice is unacceptable! We’ll be calling Rep. Katko a lot this week, as the House tries to rush through a lot of business…
Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of July 17th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly action alerts from our legislative action team. But first, if you haven’t done so already, please RSVP to Michaela or Jennifer for this Saturday’s CNY Solidarity Picnic.   Monday (July 17): Two local actions today—one email and one in person.…

Community Outreach & Defense Alerts: 7/14

Like summer itself, the Coalition sends us off to market (for protests against drones and ICE), the park (for parades of liberation and solidarity soccer), and the area’s waterways (for environmental restoration). We can’t get enough of summer–can you? Join us this weekend for a soccer fundraiser for the Workers’…
Weekly Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of July 10th

CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Congress is back in session this week. All eyes are on the fate of TrumpCare in the Senate, where Republican support has been hemorrhaging throughout the July 4 recess, but Majority Leader McConnell is floating a variety of sweetheart deals to get to 51 votes.…
Picnic Day!

Picnic Day!

We’ve done a lot of great work in our community and now it’s time to have a little picnic fun with all your friends and supporters of the Coalition! We will gather in the Thornden Park Grove on July 22nd at 12pm. Please bring chairs or blankets or anything else…
Love No Hate

Statement of Non-Violence

The CNY Solidarity Coalition will continue to be outspoken in our criticism of systematic injustices and their effects on our communities, and in opposition to discrimination based on national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual identity, or disability. Following a series of deeply troubling recent events, the CNY Solidarity Coalition reaffirms…
Action Alerts

Action Alerts – Week of July 3rd

Here are the legislative action alerts for this week.  We have a different theme each day this week, all with an eye toward protecting freedom and democracy as we celebrate Independence Day.  Have a safe, happy, and healthy week.  Resist and persist!
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