CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors


How to proceed if you receive info about ICE raids

You may have heard the rumor of ICE raids in Geneva this weekend. The Workers’ Center of CNY (a key member org of our coalition) and others spent considerable time investigating the rumor over the weekend. Their conclusion is that it is likely only a rumor. The Workers’ Center requests that…

CNY Solidarity Action Alerts (Week of Feb. 13)

A quick note on calling Congress   Before we get started with our weekly action alerts, a quick note on contacting Congress: Following the recommendations of the Indivisible guide, along with multiple other sources with experience inside Congress, we do not recommend phone calls (or other forms of contact) to out-of-state members…

CNY Solidarity Action Alerts (Week of Feb. 6)

Our legislative action team’s weekly set of action alerts follows. We’ve gotten a number of questions lately about whether and when it makes sense to call out-of-state members of Congress. In general, we’re recommending against this; click here for further details. That link will also bring you to a slightly…
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