The New York primary for state and local elections is on Thursday, September 13th, 2018. Polls will be open from 12pm – 9pm. Let’s have some fun coloring this poster in and hanging it up on community boards, print some out and leave them for others to color or scale…
This survey was created by a group of community organizations that organized candidate forums for candidates in local elections earlier this summer.
No. 1 Jeff Sessions No. 2 Tom Price No. 3 Scott Pruitt No. 4 Andrew Puzder No. 5 Betsy DeVos No. 6 Neil Gorsuch No. 7 Katko Voting Record No. 8 Sessions Must Resign! Want to get more involved in these issues? Join the Legislative Action Committee: Visit Legislative Action landing…
You may have heard the rumor of ICE raids in Geneva this weekend. The Workers’ Center of CNY (a key member org of our coalition) and others spent considerable time investigating the rumor over the weekend. Their conclusion is that it is likely only a rumor. The Workers’ Center requests that…