CNY Solidarity Coalition members and supporters: Great energy at yesterday’s meeting; it was wonderful to hear reports from so many fabulous working groups, including a new one devoted to criminal justice reform. Thanks to Most Holy Rosary for hosting us. Below, please find the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative…
View Weekly Action Alerts
Monday (May 15): One phone-calling action and two in-person events (unfortunately conflicting with one another) Support Universal Health Care in NYS: NY Health Act (A4738) Congressional Republicans have moved one step closer to repealing the ACA and passing the AHCA. It is more important than ever that NYS step up…
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so we’re going to experiment with a weeknight meeting on Monday, May 15, 7-9pm at Bishop Harrison. Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team. The House of Representatives is on recess this week, so we’ve got two in-person actions scheduled…
Below please find the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team. The health care fight isn’t over yet, there’s a big local immigrant workers’ rights march today at noon, and much more. As always, we try our best to keep this info current, but will post updates as needed…
Monday (April 24): 2 actions today—1 phone call and 1 local educational opportunity Support tax transparency and justice If you marched for tax transparency and justice on April 15 (or even if you didn’t!), please call Rep. Katko and urge him to sign the discharge petition for HR 305:…
Monday (April 17): Two phone-calling actions today—1 state, 1 federal Support tax transparency Following up on the Tax March, let’s continue our push for tax transparency. At the state level, we can encourage our reps to pass a law that would require presidential candidates to release their taxes in…
Below please find the weekly ACTION ALERTS from our legislative action team. Congress is on recess this week and next, so to some extent, our federal legislative focus shifts from phone calls about upcoming votes to trying to track down Katko, Schumer, Gillibrand, and their staff in person. But we’ll…
Monday (April 3): Two phone-calling actions today—1 state, 1 federal, and both time-sensitive Raise the Age Top priority from our state legislative action team this week: Please call and support Raise-the-Age for all crimes. If you have time to make just one phone call, the governor would be the most…
CNY Solidarity Coalition members and supporters: Below please find our legislative action team’s weekly ACTION ALERTS. But first, a shout-out to all of you who’ve been tirelessly calling your elected representatives since January. Thanks to all of you, we won two great victories on the health care front this past…
Amazing progressive energy this weekend—400 people at the Town Hall on Saturday, then 150 people at our training/education meeting yesterday. I’m truly inspired by everyone’s energy and commitment. A couple quick follow-ups from yesterday’s meeting: 1) There will be no full-coalition meeting this Sunday, March 26; more details below. 2)…