Every New Yorker deserves to breathe clean air, live in safe and affordable housing, receive a high-quality public education, access comprehensive healthcare and universal childcare, and live in well-resourced communities on a livable planet.
But for decades, corporate aligned elected officials have underinvested in working-class neighborhoods and instead prioritized the desires of greedy corporations and the ultra-rich.
A different New York is possible: one where everyone has what they need to build a foundation on which they can thrive. We just need New York’s ultra-rich to pay what they owe in taxes. The Invest in Our New York Campaign aims to support every New Yorker and our communities by:
Increasing taxes on New York’s wealthiest and big corporations to ensure they pay what they owe
Putting forward a plan for state spending that prioritizes the needs of low-income and working-class people, communities of color, and New York’s most impacted by the affordability crisis; and
Shifting the state’s economic development efforts away from corporate giveaways and instead toward resourcing our public programs.