ACR Health is a not-for-profit, community-based organization providing a range of support services to individuals with chronic diseases, including HIV/AIDS, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, asthma, substance use disorders, and serious mental illnesses, with the goal of positive health outcomes.
ACR Health provides a wide variety of targeted prevention and sexual health services to individuals, from youth through adulthood, as well as to community groups and organizations, with the goal of informed and responsible decision making.
ArtRage Gallery is an arts space that focuses on art with social justice and environmental themes. The vision of the gallery is to share the transformative power of the arts with the community, to provide exhibition opportunities to local artists, and to use art to give voice to and share stories from historically underrepresented communities. We are committed to breaking down the art world’s boundaries about who is welcome. We believe that everyone has the right to art and that art is essential to building an open, just world.
We (B.C.P.) are focused on providing a safe and confidential environment to the inner-city LGBTQ community as well as offering networking opportunities, health information and peer support. We are the voice of the LGBTQ inner-city community.
The mission of CNY Pride is to serve the Central New York lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and their allies.
Our annual Pride Parade and Festival, along with similar events throughout the year, provides a forum to celebrate and affirm individual sexual and gender identity, to commemorate our community's rich history and diversity, and to renew our dedication to ending intolerance and achieving equal rights.
PO Box 6608
We see the core vision of the DK project as institutional change for building inclusive futures, for example, an academy that recognizes all knowledges as equal rather than fitting into a preset hierarchy. Toward this end, we systematically engage the campus community in a variety of conversations, discussions, and public events geared towards building a sustainable campus culture that recognizes the transformative knowledges that the collective working group brings to the table. So, our aim is to construct ways of “democratizing knowledge,” revitalizing and transforming the reach of these knowledges to address difference, identity, equality, justice, citizenship, and democracy and making these knowledges more visible, more sustainable, and more institutionally public on the campus and beyond.
Syracuse University
Focus on Awareness and Information Resources of New York, Inc. We host the educational booth at the New York State Fair to provide information and resources on issues ranging from bullying of LGBTQ youth, discrimination facing members of the LGBTQ community in employment, housing and health issues, GENDA, marriage equality and protection of LGBTQ families. Our Booth is a highly visible space that welcomes the general public as well as members of the LGBTQ community, as we work to promote inclusion and diversity through educational information and resources.
Friends of Dorothy is our initiative to be supportive of people with AIDS. Since October of 1992 we have offered home-based care to people with AIDS in a variety of ways, including recuperative or hospice care, supportive housing, and emergency assistance.
The Syracuse University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center strives to serve people with marginalized genders and sexualities by offering support, building community, and educating members of the Syracuse University community.
We are the Central New York office of the New York Civil Liberties Union, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to protect the civil rights and civil liberties of all New Yorkers. Our regional office covers seven counties.
The New York Civil Liberties Union, the New York affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, promotes and defends the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution and New York State Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to privacy, equality, and due process of law. We carry out our mission through public education, advocacy and litigation.
To promote the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons, their families and friends through; SUPPORT, to cope with an adverse society; EDUCATION, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and ADVOCACY, to end discrimination, and to secure equal civil rights. PFLAG provides the opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.
Protects and provides health care and education that empowers individuals and families. Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York has 10 health centers and one mobile unit. Delivers affordable, nonjudgmental, high quality health care to thousands of people each year. Staff specialize in reproductive and sexual health care.
Promotes the well-being of older gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people and allies in Central New York through health programs, social activities, and education.
Service Area: Cayuga, Cortland, Jefferson, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties.
Programs: Health and wellness programming, support groups, social activities, and education for health care providers about the needs of older LGBTQ people.
SASSE strives to create a community and safe space for students while also empowering one another through the use of creative expression and discussion. We advocate for sexual safety through activist efforts, education, and other events so that they can express themselves, meet other people, and feel comfortable in a supportive community.
The Syracuse Community Choir is a community of people who gather to sing songs of peace and social justice. We work to educate each other and the greater community about social and political issues – mainly focusing on issues of peace, indigenous rights, civil rights, environmental rights, religious acceptance, and inclusion of all people.
SCW is a progressive publisher committed to peace, sustainability, social justice, feminism and multiculturalism. We create and publish visual materials, like calendars, posters, T-shirts, cards and postcards, and distribute them across North America.
The Syracuse Gay and Lesbian Chorus is a community choral ensemble of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and their allies, dedicated to providing and performing an eclectic and entertaining offering of quality choral music which reflects the diverse nature of our community and serves to unite us with the wider community around us.
The Transgender Alliance of CNY is a social support organization that meets each month.