Building a world where everyone has what they need to thrive.
The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA), founded in 1981, is a leader in community-based alternatives to incarceration and policy advocacy to reduce reliance on incarceration. We provide direct services to communities in New York City, Syracuse, and Rochester, engaging approximately 3,500 youth and adults annually who would otherwise be incarcerated.
Services include gender-based substance treatment and recovery communities, sentence mitigation, court advocacy, workforce readiness, civic restoration services, emergency/transitional housing, student advocacy, violence prevention, and youth mentoring as well as afterschool programming and career exploration for justice-involved youth. The majority of our participants are Black or Latino/a and come from poor or low-income communities.
Founded in 1982 by activists seeking an alternative to fat-cat corporate bankers, we are a non-profit, financial service cooperative dedicated to fairness, equality, and social & economic justice.
The core mission of the institution of the Dunbar Association Inc. is to enhance the quality of life, break the cycle of poverty, and develop racial equity in our community by strengthening youth and their families through a comprehensive delivery of services that promote excellence through advocacy and education.
Eastern Farmworkers is a volunteer-run organization involved with low-income working families. We work with farmers and their workers, and former manufacturing workers who have had to assume temporary jobs after plants like Carrier relocated. We work to bridge the gap between rural and urban communities, and maintain healthy relationships between employers and employees who are often affected by the same policies. We allocate benefits such as job and housing referrals, food and clothing distribution, and volunteer dental, legal, and medical services.
Food Bank of Central New York is a not-for-profit organization leading the effort to eliminate hunger in our region, by partnership with others in our community, through education, advocacy, and distribution of nutritious food. We partner with over 370 community partners in the counties of Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence.
The core of our work is achieved by partnering with local agencies that distribute food to individuals and families in need. The key partners that make up our emergency food network are food pantries, soup kitchens, and emergency shelters. Other not-for-profit agencies such as day care centers, rehabilitation centers, senior centers, and group homes are able to utilize membership as a way to supplement their agency food needs.
The Hiscock Legal Aid Society promotes the fundamental right of every person to equal justice under the law by providing high quality legal assistance to individuals and families in need in Onondaga County and the surrounding region.
In My Father’s Kitchen, Inc. (IMFK) is a not-for-profit corporation founded by John and Leigh-Ann Tumino. IMFK is a faith-based organization offering non-denominational and non-discriminatory assistance to homeless people through direct street outreach.
Every New Yorker deserves to breathe clean air, live in safe and affordable housing, receive a high-quality public education, access comprehensive healthcare and universal childcare, and live in well-resourced communities on a livable planet.
But for decades, corporate aligned elected officials have underinvested in working-class neighborhoods and instead prioritized the desires of greedy corporations and the ultra-rich.
A different New York is possible: one where everyone has what they need to build a foundation on which they can thrive. We just need New York’s ultra-rich to pay what they owe in taxes. The Invest in Our New York Campaign aims to support every New Yorker and our communities by:
Increasing taxes on New York’s wealthiest and big corporations to ensure they pay what they owe
Putting forward a plan for state spending that prioritizes the needs of low-income and working-class people, communities of color, and New York’s most impacted by the affordability crisis; and
Shifting the state’s economic development efforts away from corporate giveaways and instead toward resourcing our public programs.
We go above and beyond to provide our youth an empowering environment where they can fully embrace their identity and gain all the skills they need to be leaders tomorrow.Our goals is to shape the way they live their lives and teach them the fundamentals of social responsibility, healthy living and cultural acceptance.
Five Key Missions
Education-Providing Onsite training as well as direction to educational opportunities of our training partners and local programsHealth-Providing On site testing, immunizations, Informational Brochures, Informative MeetingsCareer-Providing onsite Sessions, Informational Brochures, Setting up Apprentice Programs, Helping entrepreneur learn how to open businessesServices-Onsite help such as Free Legal Counseling, Food Giveaways, and Advice on dealing with Bill Collectors, Finding Free/Low Cost items such as Furniture/NecessitiesMentorship-Using Volunteers to help break the cycle of poverty by coaching and counseling. OG against Violence, Syracuse Chess, Woman’s Group, Church Men’s and Woman’s Groups
We believe in empowering children and youth through vision-based programs. We believe that empowering youth and under-served individuals will improve our community and enable them to reach their highest potential.
We are the Central New York office of the New York Civil Liberties Union, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to protect the civil rights and civil liberties of all New Yorkers. Our regional office covers seven counties.
The New York Civil Liberties Union, the New York affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, promotes and defends the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution and New York State Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to privacy, equality, and due process of law. We carry out our mission through public education, advocacy and litigation.
Protects and provides health care and education that empowers individuals and families. Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York has 10 health centers and one mobile unit. Delivers affordable, nonjudgmental, high quality health care to thousands of people each year. Staff specialize in reproductive and sexual health care.
Offers resettlement services and support for those forced to leave their countries due to unsafe conditions. Provides assistance with applying for jobs and registering for English language classes, locating translators, finding housing, and securing medical care.
The Samaritan Center is a 501c3, interfaith effort of community members committed to serving the hungry and those in need in order to promote their welfare dignity and self sufficiency.
The goal of the Southside Community Coalition is to restore, revitalize, and rejuvenate the Syracuse’s South Side community through a partnership with community residents, agencies, organizations, and Syracuse University.
Established in 1974, Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc., now d.b.a. Syracuse Community Connections. (SCC) is the managing entity of the City-owned Southwest Community Center (SWCC) located at 401 South Avenue. SWCC, in the tradition of settlement houses also known as community or neighborhood centers, provides services and activities designed to identify and reinforce the strengths of individuals, families and communities. SCC provides a refuge for community residents with a variety of services to meet a number of social, health, economic and nutritional needs.
SCW is a progressive publisher committed to peace, sustainability, social justice, feminism and multiculturalism. We create and publish visual materials, like calendars, posters, T-shirts, cards and postcards, and distribute them across North America.
At Syracuse Northeast Community Center we engage, grow, and connect neighbors. A neighborhood-based community center, we are a front-door through which our neighbors connect with services and engage in programs that build self-reliance and well-being. Individuals who come to us in emergencies are provided stabilizing services, assessed to design a program of intervention, and referred within our programs and to our many community partners. We support neighbors’ basic needs, engage them in digital empowerment and employment, nurture youth, provide health connections, and are a hub for seniors.
The Syracuse Peace Council (SPC), founded in 1936, is an antiwar/social justice organization. We are community-based, autonomous and funded by the contributions of our supporters. SPC educates, agitates and organizes for a world where war, violence and exploitation in any form will no longer exist. We challenge the existing unjust power relationships among nations, among people and between ourselves and the environment.
Uplift Syracuse is a progressive advocacy group, working to create a more equitable city and county by supporting candidates and policies that would advance social, racial, economic, and environmental justice efforts throughout the surrounding region.
Since it’s founding in 2017, Uplift has served as a vehicle of progressive change by recruiting, training, and supporting local candidates to run for office – but our real power comes from our members that are committed to supporting Uplift-endorsed candidates by volunteering and donating to their campaigns.
Over the past year, Uplift has worked with local organizers, leaders, and advocacy organizations to develop a People’s Platform, which outline the priorities of Uplift, and partner organizations, and to guide our work.
Our democratically led organization provides opportunities for members and the greater community to join the grassroots coalition effort to transform our city and county into one that works for all of us.
An organization made up of community groups; faith based organizations and concerned citizen, dedicated to creating a local economy that provides good jobs and job training for local communities of color, low income families and more opportunities for local woman and minority-owned enterprises.
Provides a variety of opportunities and services for the community members of Syracuse’s Eastside.
Activities for Youth & SeniorsAdvocacy & SupportCommunity Outreach & PartnershipsCrisis InterventionJob ReadinessFamily DevelopmentInformation & ReferralsParent Support & EducationVolunteer OpportunitiesSeasonal Events